Lack of interest RSS feed for new threads?

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I was also looking for this. I want to auto-tweet all newly posted threads, but the global RSS feed lists every single post/reply made. That would be an overkill. Any solution for this?
or what about newly posted threads that more than X likes in a specified time ? :)

or maybe if you are watching threads via digital spy ... either admins or mods could select in real time which threads make it to the RSS feed ?
I was also looking for this. I want to auto-tweet all newly posted threads, but the global RSS feed lists every single post/reply made. That would be an overkill. Any solution for this?

This! I can't believe Xenforo doesn't have something like this out of the box already. This type of RSS feed is useful for auto-tweeting your new threads on Twitter and Facebook but, like @Bellinis said, it's a bit overwhelming to have the thread listed on your timeline every time a new post is added to the thread.
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