
Respollo 1.0.2

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useful addon..

Can you add support for linear gradient backgrounds to work alongside the logo for the mobile logo replacment..

I add a different variable than is in my stock header.css and the new linear-gradient applies.. but the new image logo doesn't..

useful addon..

Can you add support for linear gradient backgrounds to work alongside the logo for the mobile logo replacment..

I add a different variable than is in my stock header.css and the new linear-gradient applies.. but the new image logo doesn't..
Can you provide me with an example?
Can you provide me with an example?

Adding different variables to that I have in Header.css..

in Responsive Design>> Mobile logo replacement settings , i would add the url for the smaller image and in Misc I would add linear gradients from the likes of Colorzilla that require to be configured differently for the new resized image..

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #5a0304 0%,#5a0304 61%,#870002 62%,#870002 100%);

the new linear gradients will apply but the new image is missing..

This seems to be the case when applying any colour or image to the background in a gradient type form..
You should use another background declaration then. Just ignore background property and use only additional css field.
Background declaration should look like this:
background-image: url('image.png'), linear-gradient(red, blue);
background-position: 50% 0, 0 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;
You can change these values accordingly.
Does anyone know how to do what this addon does for Xenforo 2x?

I posted on the support forum about this situation I have a few days ago, but I'm getting no resposnes.

I've spent a lot of time searching for a solution too, yet I can't find one.

I need a my logo for the mobile version of the forum to take up the entire width of the mobile view, not resized down to a tiny little image you can hardly see in the navigation area.
I think the favicons are cached locally. Does anyone know where they are stored? I want to delete the cache
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