Request - Installation Guide - Install Xenforo with importing VBulletin DB


Active member

I've downloaded the beta version and uploaded it to a separate subdomain. I don't see an installation guide, so I need to ask some questions.

1. Do I need to setup / create a db or does the installation process do it?
2. Is the import process a separate process from the installation or is it done at the same time?
3. Will the import process alter the VB database at all?

My intention is to keep the VB forum live and open while I test xenforo with the static VB data I import.

1) You need to create a database first and then enter that MySQL information when running the install.

2) Separate. Once you finish the install then go to your:

Admin CP -> Tools -> Import External Data

3) No. The import is read-only from the source database. But you should backup everything just to be safe.
Last Question (I think):

In the Configure Importer, is anything put in the table prefix?

EDITED : I put nothing in the Table Prefix field and it worked.

For reference, the source prefix is in the vB includes/config.php file:

    //    ****** TABLE PREFIX ******
    //    Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database.
$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = '';
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