Removing breadcrumbs on homepage

Luke B

Active member
Good morning to you all (or whatever time it is for you).

I have two basic question so I will get right to it.

1. How do I remove the breadcrumbs from just the home page? (preferably in the EXTRA template)

2. How do I change the color of the "page title" for just the home page.

Thank you much
I just took a peek at you board and you might want to add some padding to where you removed the breadcrumb from, so it's not cluttered:

#content.forum_list .pageContent, #content.member_list .pageContent, #content.member_view .pageContent {
padding-top: 20px !important;
That helped a lot!
This should do the trick:
.forum_list .breadBoxTop, .member_view .breadBoxTop {
display: none;

.forum_list .breadBoxBottom, .member_view .breadBoxBottom {
display: none;

Or if you want it removed from the member list as well:
.forum_list .breadBoxTop, .member_list .breadBoxTop, .member_view .breadBoxTop {
display: none;

.forum_list .breadBoxBottom, .member_list .breadBoxBottom, .member_view .breadBoxBottom {
display: none;
Thank You!
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