[rellect] AdBlock Detector [Deleted]

Hi @rellect , any news of it? ;)
Unfourtently there is no news about the stats I planned. I never had the chance to finish it due to lack of time.

What I can suggest is using analytics and the 'AdBlockOn' custom event that comes as part of this addon.
I guess it will be something like this
<xen:if is="!{$session.robotId}">
$(document).bind('AdBlockOn', function(){
    ga('send', {
        hitType: 'event',
        eventCategory: 'AdBlock',
        eventAction: 'detected',
        nonInteraction: true

You can customize the above and pass the values you want.
Hi, i bought it today, installed on 1.5.9 version and set permissions in user group like on images, but no notice is appearing.
Do i need some permissions on server?
Hi, i bought it today, installed on 1.5.9 version and set permissions in user group like on images, but no notice is appearing.
Do i need some permissions on server?
For testing, try changing to 'overlay' alert type in the settings.
If nothing changes, please send me the link to your forum and I'll take a look.
Hi, i bought it today, installed on 1.5.9 version and set permissions in user group like on images, but no notice is appearing.
Do i need some permissions on server?

I'm having the exact same problem. Just bought the add-on today and installed it on XF 1.5.14 and it does absolutely nothing, even after setting all of the permissions.
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I'm having the exact same problem. Just bought the add-on today and installed it on XF 1.5.14 and it does absolutely nothing, even after setting all of the permissions.
Hi, I saw you sent a private message, so I'll reply you there.
Since a few days the detected adblock message is shown even if my forum is withelisted/disabled.
Is someone else experiencing this?
Since a few days the detected adblock message is shown even if my forum is withelisted/disabled.
Is someone else experiencing this?
Most common reason for this behavior is running multiple adblockers at once.
Make sure you actually see ads on your site. If you don't, then this means you have an active adblocker running.
Hello dear, i have a probleme :

Alot of my members and me constated that a error message apear for no reason ... adblock is disabled and the error continue ...
my other admin told me that he not have adblock on his navigator and he always receive the error everytime ... :( :(

someone can help me ?

Hello dear, i have a probleme :

Alot of my members and me constated that a error message apear for no reason ... adblock is disabled and the error continue ...
my other admin told me that he not have adblock on his navigator and he always receive the error everytime ... :(:(

someone can help me ?


This situation usually indicates that there are multiple adblockers installed.
Can you verify that you can see ads on the site?
If you can't that means you have another adblocker in the browser, or that you didn't whitelisted properly.

This situation usually indicates that there are multiple adblockers installed.
Can you verify that you can see ads on the site?
If you can't that means you have another adblocker in the browser, or that you didn't whitelisted properly.
Thank you for you response, i juste checked all with my friend and he told me that he have 0 adblockers on his browser (mozilla) .. and he can't see any pubs :(
often this problem happen ... it happened to me befor and i disabled adblock goodly but the error continue each time i refresh the page ..

PS: The biggest problem is that he juste told me that he installed adblock and he disabled the forum for this and the error continue ... :( ... alot of members send me a PM to complain of this ..

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Thank you for you response, i juste checked all with my friend and he told me that he have 0 adblockers on his browser (mozilla) .. and he can't see any pubs :(
often this problem happen ... it happened to me befor and i disabled adblock goodly but the error continue each time i refresh the page ..

PS: The biggest problem is that he juste told me that he installed adblock and he disabled the forum for this and the error continue ... :( ... alot of members send me a PM to complain of this ..


Sometimes ads are blocked from the router or network infrastructure (eg. some companies do that). The user cannot disable the adblock and will see the warnings even if he has not installed an adblocker at his computer.
Thank you for you response, i juste checked all with my friend and he told me that he have 0 adblockers on his browser (mozilla) .. and he can't see any pubs :(
often this problem happen ... it happened to me befor and i disabled adblock goodly but the error continue each time i refresh the page ..

PS: The biggest problem is that he juste told me that he installed adblock and he disabled the forum for this and the error continue ... :( ... alot of members send me a PM to complain of this ..

Not seeing ads on the site indicates there's something that blocks them.
You should check what blocks the ads in your browser.

This will be an issue only if you do see ads but still get the "adblock detected" alert.
Not seeing ads on the site indicates there's something that blocks them.
You should check what blocks the ads in your browser.

This will be an issue only if you do see ads but still get the "adblock detected" alert.
I understand but the problem is for som members the pubs is not visible and for others it is visible but the error continue ...
I understand but the problem is for som members the pubs is not visible and for others it is visible but the error continue ...
Please send me a private message with your order number (or the email you paid with), and your site URL.
I'll see what I can do to help.
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