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Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

[...] an example link that would be generated by each of the 7 rewrite rules
Not quite sure I understand the question. The rewrite rules I posted would redirect your existing vBSEO urls to native vBulletin format. So, for example, if your thread urls are of the type:


...which is the default vbseo format, the given rewrite rules will transparently redirect them to:


...and from that point on, Kier's script will take over and redirect you to the correct thread on your XenForo board.
Thanks for your reply. With vBSEO running...

Based on your 7 examples, which of the 7 applies to the following format set, please?

Links to my forums are of the directory format (this a mockup example, with "howtomakebillions" as the root of the forum area at a site we'll call www.blah.com (apologies to the real owner of such site)):

Link to the "home" page of the actual forum are of the form:

Links to a sub-forum are of the form:

Links to a sub-forum of that sub-forum are of the form:

Links to the top of a specific thread are of the form:
http://www.blah.com/howtomakebillions/the-poor-mans-guide-to-riches/ ...
(link split into two lines to avoid auto-ellipsis within link display in this post)
... the-lounge/2668-new-to-the-forum-have-questions-or-concerns-post-them-here

...And the permalink of a post within that thread (for example, post #3 in that thread) would be of the form:

That looks like a customized URL format. So rewrite rules given for any of the presets won't work with it. You'll have to export your url settings from vbseocp, and upload that xml file to the rewrite generator (link in 1st post).

Just a note: Since your forum urls don't have the forum id in them, you won't be able to redirect them easily with a single rewrite rule. Thread urls will get redirected as they contain a thread id.
Tried running your xml through the tool?
Thanks for the followup Shadab.
I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
A tax reporting deadline looming at the end of this week
is beginning to press upon me, so I may not get to it until after
I get past that report deadline, but I definitely want to preserve ranking on the SE's
so I want to plan it all correctly.
Many thanks again...
For some reason, the tool only kicked back the first two. Those are working great. Much thanks to Shadab!

I'm setting up 301's in .htaccess for my forum categories.
Just generated with the script and set all things up. Everything works smoothly. Many, many thanks buddy.
Just generated with the script and set all things up. Everything works smoothly. Many, many thanks buddy.

Altough I haven't made any changes to my htaccess the old links are now not getting redirected to new ones ?

I double checked my htaccess and couldn't find the reason. What would cause such thing ?

Instead they are getting redirected to main page.

These is my custom rules:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule f[\d]+/.+-([\d]+)/index([\d]+).html showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [NC,L]
RewriteRule f[\d]+/.+-([\d]+)/ showthread.php?t=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule f([\d]+)/index([\d]+).html forumdisplay.php?f=$1&page=$2 [NC,L]
RewriteRule f([\d]+)/ forumdisplay.php?f=$1 [NC,L]

Just for the record, the incorrect redirects which laztrix was getting were because the "xf_import_log" table was wiped out (due to an attempt to rerun the importer). He restored the table from backup which fixed everything. :)
Just for the record, the incorrect redirects which laztrix was getting were because the "xf_import_log" table was wiped out (due to an attempt to rerun the importer). He restored the table from backup which fixed everything. :)

The unfortunate event I've experienced may prevent others to live the same error :D Thanks to Shadab's great help and close attention I recovered the table from an old backup and restored it.

Now that I've got the initial feedback I wanted and confirmation that this indeed works and works great; I think the thread should be moved to a proper location. My suggestion is "Other Resources" forum. Also, the thread prefix can be removed. :)
Now that I'm playing with this on the testbed I'm unsure if these changes to the .htaccess are still needed? I've tried it with and without the lines generated by Shadab's tool in the .htaccess in the vb install directory, and it seems to work equally well either way? I know Kier updated his script early/mid December, did that deal with directly?

Just trying to puzzle out the current state of affairs regarding 301 redirecting VBSEO'd vB installs with custom URL rewrites to xf. TIA for any clarification anyone can provide!
I support the request for more info :D I'm running my vB4 *shudder* forum using vBSEO default (hierarchic htmls) using '-' as a seperator. If I am able to just upgrade and not have to worry about possible SEO juice falling betweemn the cracks, then that would be freaking awesome.
Very cool. Worked perfectly on my customized URLS. I just uploaded the xml file to your online script, uploaded the three files posted by Kier, edited the htaccess file and viola, all the links are going to the right spot. THANKS!!
Very cool. Worked perfectly on my customized URLS. I just uploaded the xml file to your online script, uploaded the three files posted by Kier, edited the htaccess file and viola, all the links are going to the right spot. THANKS!!

Could you take the lines out of the htaccess and try it again? When I tested the VBSEO'd links worked fine whether I had the htaccess lines there or not. Just trying to figure out if there's a reason they are needed that I wasn't seeing. I hit several specific threads and got bounced to the correct XF thread each time.
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