Redirection Scripts for PhotoPost vBGallery

Redirection Scripts for PhotoPost vBGallery 1.0.0

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These redirection scripts are for XF and XFMG 1.x only.

I have no plans to personally port these over to XF2 but for most developers it should be trivial to do so and the code in these can be used as a basis.
Thank you for the response. I did wonder if they had served as a temporary solution. It's been a while since I've tinkered with code. Based on your information I think that I should be able to figure it out. If I do I will post it here.
As a point of reference there are some redirection scripts for vBulletin we wrote for XF1 and then we did a direct port of those for XF2.

That should give you an idea of the changes required. There are some syntactical changes required but the general logic is pretty much identical. Should be a good starting point.
I was just looking through some of the files and these additional pointers will definitely help, thanks. I'm brand new to XF but I've been tinkering with forum code since UBB!
I'd be interested in paying to get this working. Have a few sites to convert. It's looking for the library/Autoloader.php script which isn't in XF2.
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