Recent / Random Attachments On Forum Homepage [Paid] [Deleted]

This add-on simply queries the database for the attachments and the displays them. Any blurriness has to do with how they were uploaded.
The photos look good in the threads but blurry when they are thumbnailed in the Reccent attachment box.
I have deactivated it due to the blurriness. If you say me how to enable for a certain group only, I can do it and create an account for you in my forum so you can see it.
Just bought and get the blurriness :(

looks like it scales the images to the size you specify rather than using size specified as max dimensions. Thus screen shots are blurry as they as squished
Your thumbnail images are tiny. There's not a lot you an do right now. But eventually when you're on XenForo 1.2 you can rebuild the thumbnails to a bigger size, that would make them a more appropriate size for viewing in the recent attachments block.
Thanks Chris, as i'm using recent attachments, I've upped the thumbnail size and should be sorted after the next attachments.
Anybody using this with 1.2 yet? Id like to purchase this to fill a gap since ive updated to 1.2 but need to know what the status of this is before i put out the coin.
Anybody using this with 1.2 yet? Id like to purchase this to fill a gap since ive updated to 1.2 but need to know what the status of this is before i put out the coin.
I've just re-installed this on my dev site, and I'm getting really whacky behaviour with the recent images block.
Ignore that! I had an outdated template from my previous installed instance. Just reverted it, and it does work fine in 1.2 RC1
I've just re-installed this on my dev site, and I'm getting really whacky behaviour with the recent images block.

Well that really narrows it down. Can you be a bit more specific? I have this running on multiple 1.2 RC1 sites with no issues at all.
Just installed it on my new site as I wasn't currently using it.

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
  .nodeList.sectionMain.recentAttachmentsContainer {display:none;}
to remove it in Responsive view.
Ok new question ive payed for the product but not entirely sure how or where to download it. Nothing except a receipt from PP in my inbox?
Ok new question ive payed for the product but not entirely sure how or where to download it. Nothing except a receipt from PP in my inbox?

You should have received an email with a download link. If not check your spam box. If you still don't have it, let me know and I will look into it.
You should have received an email with a download link. If not check your spam box. If you still don't have it, let me know and I will look into it.
Sorry, we couldn't find the order you searched for. Please verify the order number and email are correct. If you just placed the order, please check back in a few minutes or look in your inbox for an email containing a direct link.
Yeah nothing in either my inbox or my spam folder..
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