******* - Recent Forum News Scrolling [Paid] [Deleted]

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Well-known member
borbole submitted a new resource:

Recent Forum News Scrolling (version 1.0) - Recent Forum News Scrolling

This mod will show the most recent threads of your forum scrolling on the board index. Invisible threads and threads started by banned members will not show up. Also the group/groups that does/have not permissions to view a forum, will not be able to see the threads from the forum/forums that they are not allowed to view.

You can also choose a forum and/or forums to exlude its/their threads from showing up at the
Recent News Scrolling Box. To choose more that one forum, separate their ids...

Read more about this resource...
How to change the position of snippet ??

I wish to place it above shoutbox but unable to do that.
But there must be some option to change the placement of snippet. Being a dumb in programming, i can't poke into the template modifications without proper instructions.
But there must be some option to change the placement of snippet. Being a dumb in programming, i can't poke into the template modifications without proper instructions.

Yes it is, but the thing is I am not familiar with the shoutbox mod to give you precise instructions about it.

Anyway, you can see at the Listener.php file what hook my mod uses and after checking the shoutbox mod you can do the proper changes needed to switch the display place.
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