Raffles for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

I have the Widget Frameworks running on my forum and I am not having any issues with this mod and it displaying the block in my side blocks at all ?
The framework did not make it disappear? That's what happens with other mods, it disappears and the sidebar doesn't appear in the framework list to activate. If it is working that's nice ^-^
Something I would like to see if possible would be this. You already have it so a member can take multiple tickets every X days. So it would be great if we could have an option where you could set it to allow a member to take a ticket after X amount of Threads Created or Posts. You would also need to exclude forums from this count if you were looking at not including general areas such as your lounge and so on.
So the plugin seems to be working just fine on my 1.2 forum but I am geting a TON of server errors:

ErrorException: getimagesize(): Filename cannot be empty - library/Snog/Raffles/ControllerPublic/Details.php:296
Generated By: Unknown Account, 7 minutes ago

Is there something I have set up wrong?

I figured that maybe I needed to have an image uploaded but when I tried from the edit raffles page I got this:

Server Error

copy(data/raffles/images/luna-guitar-suitcase-amp (1).jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied

copy() in Snog/Raffles/ControllerAdmin/Raffle.php at line 440
Snog_Raffles_ControllerAdmin_Raffle->actionSaveimage() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/html/forums/admin.php at line 13
Also, after an entry is made I get:

The requested page could not be found.

This was working fine before but we changed to Friendly URLs today after setup (backwards, I know but it came up and we decided to do it) so I just need to know where I can fix the page redirection. Everything else seems to be working just fine and entries are being made but I think we just messed up the destination address.
My co-Admin did some testing on this this morning and asked me to share this info:

I tried adding a new raffle to see if adding it now would recognize the Friendly URL setting, but it didn't make a difference.

I think this is one to bring up to the add-in developer.

Some pertinent info (I believe):
Raffles add-in installed
Raffles created and running.
Friendly URLs turned on at this point.
Redirect after entry submission is broken.

Upgraded add-in (to same version) to see if it would start working with friendly URLs.
No change.

Created new raffle to test to see if friendly URLs are recognized at the time of raffle creation.
No change.
Also getting this error when user tries to put in raffle entry

The controller Snog_Raffles_ControllerPublic_Details does not define an action called &raffle_id=1.
Tried another raffle

Got this error
The controller Snog_Raffles_ControllerPublic_Details does not define an action called &raffle_id=2.
Will installing the new update I just received affect any ongoing raffles? We have 4 going at the same time for our "migration relaunch".
Will installing the new update I just received affect any ongoing raffles? We have 4 going at the same time for our "migration relaunch".
No, they won't be affected and will continue to run without a problem.

The update fixes what kjaonline mentioned.
Any insight into my other posts?
Sorry, didn't see them and I didn't get email notice of them either. :(

The redirection after an entry is submitted is what the update fixes.

The image problem could be one of two things (or both)..

1) You didn't upload the data folder to your server.

2) You didn't change the permissions for data/raffles/images folder so it's writeable by your server.
Sorry, didn't see them and I didn't get email notice of them either. :(

The redirection after an entry is submitted is what the update fixes.

The image problem could be one of two things (or both)..

1) You didn't upload the data folder to your server.

2) You didn't change the permissions for data/raffles/images folder so it's writeable by your server.

I'l check on the permissions issue and do the update.
Didn't seem to work. Is there a place where I can just write in a destination page in a template or something?
Did you upload the new files?

The date on the /library/Snog/Raffles/ControllerPublic/Details.php file should be 8/5/2013

You can check line number 539 of that file and be sure it contains this..
$return = 'index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=' . $raffleId;

It should return you back to the details page after entering.

FYI, I have friendly URLs enabled on my site and it is working there.
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Did you upload the new files?

The date on the /library/Snog/Raffles/ControllerPublic/Details.php file should be 8/5/2013

You can check line number 539 of that file and be sure it contains this..
$return = 'index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=' . $raffleId;

It should return you back to the details page after entering.

FYI, I have friendly URLs enabled on my site and it is working there.
ok...apparently not everything got uploaded. My fault. Its working now though. Thanks!
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