Quick search

Quick search [Paid] 5.3

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Ok, the last message you sent to Lagaf is really sad. The fact that you can't find the right tools doesn't mean that everything is fine. Accessibility helps disabled (e.g. blind) people to browse and use the web. If you create an input field without a proper label, blind people won't be able to understand what it is. This is what Lighthouse is complaining about. Don't put an input field on a website without a proper label, easy to understand.
So bottomline: How about trying to understand the issue, get the right tools to check and stop fantasize about "no error" and "false positive".

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very nice, can the properties of the search box be modified somewhere? centered, right, size ...
Nice addon @AndyB! Can I make a small suggestion?
At the bottom of the quick search results, show a button or text with something like 'More results ...' which redirects to the full search results page.
Is it possible for this addon to use ElasticSearch for quick search instead of using mysql directly?
As it's causing a high load to MYSQL when someone just types very fast/continuously for several minutes on quick search form.
@AndyB is there any way to make it so it shows the results after a user presses a search button? To have it live results by keystroke puts a lot of load unless one is using ElasticSearch. Perhaps a delay on how fast they can spam that search button too.

A user or a few users can pretty much keep spamming searches to try and crash the database for example.
Increase this value @John917
Yes that was the plan but I feel like that still would put a big load? Unless I make that value crazy high to a point where users might be confused. Probably would be better with a search button at that point to initiate the results.
Hi Andy, as usual your addons are amazing and we use this one quite frequently.

We've noticed that the quicksearch doesn't work when a filter is applied. For example:

Is there a way we can fix this? It's a big issue on our site and would love to get this fixed.
I've noticed the url slug changes as well when a filter is applied.

Thank you.

*Edit, just a heads up it's only on forum nodes not on resource page.
After the update yesterday, quick search results aren't exclusive to the current forum I'm viewing anymore.
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