Question about replacing vb site with xF


Well-known member
So if I want to do a fresh install of xF over my current VB site, how would I upload all the files without getting them mixed up with each other? Can I delete my vb folder contents (beside the 301 redirect files) and then do a db import?
XenForo is still beta, so it is not recommended to run it as a live site.

Is your vB 3.7/3.8? As of this time that is the only version of vB the importer will work on.

The approach I would take, if I read your question correctly:

From CPanel create a new DB for XenForo
Back-up my vB site, including the DB
Rename my vB's folder
Create a new folder with the old name of the directory I just renamed
Upload the XenForo files into the new directory. Add in the 301 redirect files.
Access your site from your browser (to begin the installation).
From XenForo AdminCP: Tools -> Import External Data, to begin the importing of your 3.7/3.8 DB.

This way if anything went wrong with the Importing, just rename the XF directory to something different, and rename your vB directory back to the original name. :)
Thanks, you answered my questions. I haven't made xf live yet other than a test forum; just getting my questions answered so I'm ready for when that time comes :D
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