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ProfilePost With BBcode [Paid] 2.0.4

No permission to buy ($9.99)
doesn't work with cta featured threads of brogan, content won't show up in the sidebar recent status updates
@Nobita.Kun this addon, has a bug with widget framework 2.5.9 sadly.

user status widget shows empty at the forum section and in other section only the names show up. hope you can fix M8

I think the cta featured threads has same bug. but not really using it at the moment.
i'm confuss, sometimes it works sometimes it doenst with the sidebar lol


Anyways found a salution by keeping the xenforo sidebar and adding an hook for adding widget in the sidebar. Good enough fix :)
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I've just purchased this addon and it works fine, but it collides with another addon.

When I allow BB Code in profile posts 140 characters are too less because even gallery BB codes can have up to 100 characters. So I've also installed to extend the characters in profile post messages.

When I use @SneakyDave s addon without @Nobita.Kun s BB code addon I can write profile posts with 400 characters ore more (depending on teh setting). However, when I activate BB code then the profile post chars addon stops working. If both addons are activated I cannot add more than 140 characters to my profile post message. What can I do?
I can give Nobita.Kun a copy of my addon to try to make it work, just ask. I'm not familiar with his addon, or how to make it compatible.
@xfrocks was changed the Status Template on sidebar. That why my addon did not work :)
Can we please get a fix for that? This is what my status/profile posts update sidebar section is currently doing:

@truonglv I have other problem with this add-on, can you help me?


I don't want to show for example this "MEDIA=youtube..."
It's posible?

This occurs when i use bbcodes in my status profile and my followers receive a new Alert.
I would like to purchase this addon, However I have two questions @truonglv
  1. Can I use it with XF 1.5 ?
  2. I would like to allow my users profile bb codes and longer profile texts than 140 characters, let's say 500. What happens with this 500 characters and bb codes in the user cards? Is this text shortened then and shown without bb codes?
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