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ProfilePost With BBcode [Paid] 2.0.4

No permission to buy ($9.99)
ProfilePost With BBcode 0.13 error with XenForo 1.1.4

Fatal error: Call to undefined method XenForo_BbCode_Parser::create() in library/Nobita/ProfilePostBBcode/ViewPublic/Member/View.php on line 6
Can I ask you why is this better than the add-on released by @AlexT for free? It is $0.90 and it also adds copyright notice to your site, but I struggle to find what extra this add-on does? I am very happy with the free add-on as it works without any problem and it is free, but I am curious why is this one better? I struggle to find it.
Can I ask you why is this better than the add-on released by @AlexT for free? It is $0.90 and it also adds copyright notice to your site, but I struggle to find what extra this add-on does? I am very happy with the free add-on as it works without any problem and it is free, but I am curious why is this one better? I struggle to find it.
Great question. But I think you cab ask someobe purchased Addon reviewing Addon :)

Sorry, but I really don't know where and how to download it? If I click on download button it opens me a contact form...
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