XF 2.2 Problems with passwords after migrating from VB 3.8

After migrating everyone needs to reset his passwords. Passwords can't be migrated because they are encrypted.
This is not correct:
Passwords are usually hashed, not encrypted. The major difference is that encryption can be reversed, eg. the original input can be retrieved with the correct key - this is not possible with hashes.

vBulletin 3.8 passwords are saved as a salted double MD5-Hash.

XenForo does have an authentication class \XF\Auth\vBulletin to handle this scheme.

It is therefore not necessary to reset passwords for users imported from vBulletin (and many other source systems).
It is therefore not necessary to reset passwords for users imported from vBulletin (and many other source systems).
The only time I've seen that happen is when you had to do a double import in the past if coming from an unsupported script....
unsupported script -> vB -> XF
But that was a while ago so that may have changed now.
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