Prefixes for 50 countries ?


Well-known member
I would like to create Prefixes for different countries, so there will be around 50 Prefixes for countries like Canada, Russia, Germany, etc.

question 1)
- Will there be an issue when creating a New Thread as there will be quite a big list in the drop-down for Prefixes?
- does this make sense ?
- Is there any other way or idea of how to do this?

question 2)
Just to understand how "filtering" of Prefixes work:
I want to use those Country-Prefixes for 2 different Forums. So when I filter the Prefix for a specific country within ONE specific forum, will this only show the countries from this ONE forum, or will it show the country-prefixes of both forums at which I use the country-prefix ?
I mean: is filtering "forum-specific" ?

Appreciate your help!
oh, I think I remember it is possible to create sub-levels for Prefixes ?

Like e.g.:

- Europe
>> Germany
>> Italy
>> United Kingdom

- United States
>> New York
>> California
hmmm.... just tried my country-list with a few countries. I just figured there are around 200 countries, so there is a lot of manual work to create all those prefixes :eek:
Do we have some kind of Add-on to upload a list of countries and automatically create prefixes for a huge list of items? Something like an "auto-create Prefixes" ?

I guess this is becoming a huge drop-down-list when creating a new thread.
Or is this Prefix-box a fixed height and showing a scrollbar when having a huge list?
Is there a maximum limit for amount of Prefixes per forum?
The similar question
What's the best way to arrange multilanguage forum? e.g. automotive - mazda or vw discussions are to be for the different languages.
How does it go with the licensing? A new forum installation for a new language?
hmm, white noise in my head...
The similar question
What's the best way to arrange multilanguage forum? e.g. automotive - mazda or vw discussions are to be for the different languages.
How does it go with the licensing? A new forum installation for a new language?
hmm, white noise in my head...

sorry, not sure what this has in common with Prefixes?
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