Post your (vB) Products & Plugins


Well-known member
Please post your (vB) products and plugins in this thread. I'll start:

Being very critical when choosing and installing products and plugins in vB, I think those that we have installed are really useful, so wanted to share them here to help improve this software.

Some of these are already posted in the suggestion forums, others will be soon. This thread is just meant as a summary.

  • Add Header/Footer on each forum (or ad location)
    This allows you to add a custom header and footer under and above the global header and footer in each forum and subforum, for example to show an ad. Every forum and subforum can have their own header and footer, and thus ad. We couldn't even pay the bills without this modification, since it allows advertisers to advertise their products.
  • Admin log in as user
    Very handy to quickly check what's wrong with someone's account, or if they have been doing illegal stuff in the private message system (we often get reports about that).
  • Autobump
    This mod is one of the greatest ever. Let me explain why: it makes sure that threads with 0 replies are answered within a certain period of time, because it bumps them for a few days, every x-hours. There is nothing more irritating than finding threads in Google search with 0 replies, when you are looking for information and/or help. On the other hand, it's also annoying for a user to post a thread and not get a reply. So this simple little mod helps to prevent this.
  • Ban users from threads
    Sometimes a user just wont stop quarreling in a thread, and if he or she really doesn't listen, what do you do? You can ban them from the whole forum for a day or week, but that can be too drastic. That's where this mod comes in.
  • Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules
    This is also an important one. It allows you to change the rules at a certain point in time, and force users to agree with them again. Without this mod, you would change the rules, and no one would know they were changed, so really needed.
  • Easy Forms
    Probably more something for the XF modding community, but a great mod for making forms on the forums. We use it for product reviews and participation forms. After submitting, the form data is posted in a new thread.
  • Find my posts in a thread
    I've already suggested this one here, but really useful little mod that should be there by default, but never was in vB.
  • IpInfo
    Basically a better IP page for each member than the default one in vB. Shows every IP the user has posted under, making it easier to see whether he is posting under multiple accounts etc.
  • Multiple Login Detector
    Looks for users that login with multiple accounts. Great for spotting trolls and returning banned users.
  • Super Private Message
    Allows administrators to send a private message to every user in a usergroup he can pick, with the option to send an e-mail with it. Good for making important announcements.
  • Prevent Spam
    Looks for words that are often found in spam, the admin may choose these words. Threads and posts that contain these words are placed in moderation (not visible to users). This way you are one step beyond spammers, users wont even see the spam.
  • Real IP detection
    I'll use the words of the coder: "Makes your forum aways use the real ip when a proxy server is detected, the proxy ip is recorded in an extra field but then ignored."
  • Username request
    Users can request for a change of their username in their preferences. Just makes it quicker for them and you to go through this process.
  • Prevent bumping old threads
    See link above and like it if you want it.
  • Option to delete post/thread when giving an infraction
    XF doesn't have an infraction system yet (please make one, essential, we must be able to import infractions from vB!!) but when it does, please make it possible to delete a thread or post when giving the infraction. For example if the posts contains child pornography, you have to be able to remove this quickly while giving the infraction (or in this case a perm ban).
That's it for me.
I have a few mods installed and some have already been mentioned. But I will need a way to distribute my advertising. Like my Google ads that show after every X posts, and I also have banners on the right side of my forums. I also integrate openX as well. I can live without the mods, but the advertising is what helps pay the bills.
Add Banner - add banner on each forum - essential to generate revenue
Album Pictures - Forum Home -- posts (small) random pictures from user albums on Home Page of forum - very popular!
All Albums -- I think it displays all the user photo albums available for viewing - necessary
Country Display for Who's Online -- display the flag of the user's country in Who's Online -- kinda fun but not critical. Creates huge table in DB. =(
Cyb Chatbox - members really like chatbox features I discovered. Also good for announcements I discovered
Cyb Top Posters in Month X -- helpful for contests related to the Top Poster of the month
Display reputation comments given (in one's profile)
Extended reputation display - displays colorful pips
Guest Tracking - has to do with tracking guests in the stats
Last 15 searchs made by members -- can be interesting to spot trends
Passive Vid -- this is an important one - display YouTube and other online videos without any BB code - just post the URL and the forum does the rest
Personal Notepad - I am not sure how many users (if any) use this feature
Random Images - with a code, you could display a random image from a collection anyplace on the page. This was cool and I used it for some time, but not at present.
Sakera's Hide Poll Results -- this is a really needed feature for polls -- offers the option not to show the results until the poll is closed. I would like to see much more enhanced poll options in general.
Top Posters - displays the forum's top posters overall for all time
Twitter Profile - I really like this - it displays member's most recent Twitter posts in their profile on the forum.
vBulletin Blog - not very popular on my system and perhaps at odds with the idea of what a forum is all about
vMoods - people enjoy displaying their mood
Welcome Headers -- This plug in is useful to prompt new and unregistered users to sign up and participate.
Zoint's Anonymous Posting -- The ability to post anonymous on selected forums is very important on my forum. Needed for sensitive issues and also helps prevent dupe accounts in my view.

vBulletin Rotating Banners -- this is a simple plugin that permits me to create sets of banners (in a text file) that rotate randomly at the top and bottom of the forum. This sort of thing is really necessary to help pay the costs of the forum. I like the ability to put 100-200 random banners in the mix.

I also have Multiple Login Detector, Miserable Users and a chat plugin for 123FlashChat that displays who is chatting in the statistics box. I wish 123FlashChat had proper integration and an easy install routine.
Add Banner
AME - The Automatic Media Embeder - Won't be needed with XF
AWCoding- Donation System LITE
CMPS naviguation - Won't be needed with XF
Cyb - PM System Enhancements - Won't be needed with XF
Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager - Won't be needed with XF
GTPrivate Message Quickreply - Won't be needed with XF
GTPrivate Messages Enhanced Listing. - Won't be needed with XF
GTUserCP - Enhanced USERCP Interface + USERCP Menu - Won't be needed with XF
ibProArcade for vBulletin - Hardly used.
Members who have Registered
Members who have Visited
microMEMBERS - Won't be needed with XF
NoSpam! - Hopefully won't be needed with XF
Quick Auto Image-Resize (Posts & Signature) - Won't be needed with XF
Seperate Sticky Threads and Announcements
Usergroup Legend
vB News Ticker
vB Tournaments and Ladders
vBadvanced CMPS
vBadvanced Dynamics
vbgooglemap Member Edition by StonyArc - Hardly used
[Sniper] - Mood Manager - Won't be needed with XF
Unfortunately, all of my coding experience with vBulletin has been of a corporate nature, and under my contract, I wasn't to release them for general availability. However, I did develop a CMS, before vB 4 to work in an intranet environment. Under that, I also built some useful tools.
EzIRC (Live Chat - Mibbit, possibly more solutions...)

Not much, but I will provide better support here than I did on .. I found it annoying to even use, simply cause of the users who are never just calm about saying things (man, they get worked up over there for nothing..) and the design (hard to navigate / hurt my eyes from how dreadful the style looked, my own opinion.)
8WR Addonchat Ext - written by me
8WR Media Library - written by me
8WR Micro Debug - written by me
8WR Random Header - written by me
8WR Signature Check - written by me
8WR Sticky Separator - written by me (not publicly available)
8WR Subforum Organizer - written by me (not publicly available)
Auto Database Backup
BBR - Google Analytics Addon
BBR - vB Event Forums
Farcaster's Event Attendance
Miserable Users
VSa - Advanced Registration

thats it...
here is mine:

AJAX registe 3.1.1
Close Old Threads 1.1
emule 1.0
Member Info Latest Threads 1.1.0
Moderation Auto-PM 2.0.1
Nestaron's ModCP User Administration 1.3
Post Thank You Hack 7.4
Real ip detection 2.25
Restrict URLS 0.1
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 1.0.5
vB Forum Frames 1.0.1
vBSEO 3.2.0
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 2.5
vBulletin Advanced Warning System 3.6.x
Yet Another Award System 3.6 2.1.4
Moderator Statistics 2.0
多媒体附件运行插件 1.0.1
The moderator statistics seems good for even a core feature. It's a good way to see what moderators are productive and those who are completely absent. Makes it easier to act as admin based on these statistics.
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