Implemented Post Edit History


Well-known member
This may have been posted already (I can't believe it hasn't), but I tried searching and I couldn't find anything, so here goes...

Currently, if you edit a post, there's no indication that the post was edited. I thought it just updated the post date/time, but I just tested it and it doesn't appear to do anything at all (post date/time stays as original).

It would be really nice if there was a "edited by [name] x minutes ago..." in addition to the original posting date, à la vBulletin and others.

I feel that this is a crucial feature to avoid confusing or malicious/nefarious edits. :)
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This would be an awesome feature, although it could be overkill. Something like vBulletin's version history would be nice enough for me. :)

Version history is very nice. We have to edit very often due to legal reasons and in some cases we need to look how a post was earlier.
Bumping this in hopes of bringing it to 1.1.

Post Edit History inparticular is massive on our forum, we have a lot of trades and sales, and need a way so that when those sales are done, we can see what was originally up there in case of any disputes.
I would disable this feature if it were available - never been a fan of it. Unless the implementation is significantly more subtle than current examples.
Why not disable post editing in that forum?

At least until/if it is implemented.

Because users more often than not have 10+ items for sale at a time and like to edit the first post to show what is still available and what is not.
I would disable this feature if it were available - never been a fan of it. Unless the implementation is significantly more subtle than current examples.
Under what situations do you find it disruptive to know that a post was edited ?
What exactly eliminated you as a fan of "Lasted Edited" messages ?
I find that when you know that someone can randomly edit posts and there is no outward facing evidence they did that ... you get people "mass quoting" entire posts that they feel people might like to back track on.
I think mass quoting (as happens here at is MUCH more distruptive.
I still cant believe a software as great as Xenforo didnt launch with a feature as basic as this.

Romchik smells

If you look at my quote above.

After 'romchik' liked my post, I changed my post to add 'romchik smells' Now because it doesn't show my post as having been edited, whoever sees my post for the first time will think that Romchik liked me saying that romchick smells.

This is a bit of a simple example but it just goes to show how easily users can manipulate each other and the mods. All it takes is a couple of troublemakers and it is a huge headache
Right, attached is a rough idea how I think post edit history could be "xenforoed".

My biggest gripe with the post edit history in vbulletin was it felt bulky to use, I think this rough idea would be much better.

Upon clicking the "Last edited" text (small and unobtrusive unless you need to look for it for a particular reason), an admin, mod or author of the post is presented with a sidebar to their post.

In this sidebar, it shows up some pretty self explanitory options.

  • Radio buttons to compare the versions you want.

  • A revert tickbox and button, so an admin or mod can revert a post to a previous version (obviously unavailable to the users) (ticking and clicking revet will give you a popup warning confirming you wish to revert the post, the old post however still remains in the history so even a revert and be "undone")

  • Hovering over the date of the edit will inform you who did the edit.

  • Inline and full posts button, to allow inline view of changes (shown here), or the option to view the posts entirety by placing one post above the other

  • A done button to take you back to the thread once you are done.
Anyways, just my suggestions on this hopefully soon to be feature :)

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