Populating news on portal?


New member
Hi, Currently have an IPB licence but fallen out of love with it a bit tbh. Plus I can’t seem to do what I want with it.
On xenforo can I have a portal as the main landing page and then have articles pulled from a “News & Rumours” forum to display on the landing page? Pretty much the same as the landing page on www.macrumors.com


Been trying to get that I want with the demo before shelling out to buy but can't seem to find how to do it, anywhere. Can somebody please reply with a solid yes or no..

Can I have a Page as the default landing page... www.mywebsite.com and then the forums are at www.mywebsite.com/forums for example?
Can I have a forum called "News & Rumours" and have that content displayed on the homepage at www.mywebsite.com that looks exactly like this... (see attachment), so it would look like the attachment and at the top have Home/Forums/Whats New/Media etc etc at the top?

Can see I can add a forum and make it an articles page. Can see I can add a Page, but it shows weird in the forum nodes section. Cant see. how I can configure it to do what I need.


  • Screenshot 2021-04-18 at 17.07.52.webp
    Screenshot 2021-04-18 at 17.07.52.webp
    123 KB · Views: 19
Yeah that's what I'm trying to do pretty much. Do your articles at the top , automatically pull the latest feeds from an article forum?
100% yes they do. We post our articles in AMS and it automatically publishes them by date order (like wordpress and IPS). We can set articles to publish or draft so any admins can preview the articles before they're published.

Like yourself, we were loyal IPS users (We joined that community back with it was Ikonboard and we even had a lifetime license we bought back in version 2 that they managed to weasel their way out of with version 3 forward) that switched to Xen. Last year we swapped over to Wordpress but felt it wasn't what we wanted for out community. We settled with Xenforo because the community, devs, support staff here are very helpful, friendly and supportive. (Brogan is a machine - does that guy ever sleep???)

So I'm pretty confident you can get your homepage set up the way you want it to be. Just takes a little more CSS/HTML work.
100% yes they do. We post our articles in AMS and it automatically publishes them by date order (like wordpress and IPS). We can set articles to publish or draft so any admins can preview the articles before they're published.

Like yourself, we were loyal IPS users (We joined that community back with it was Ikonboard and we even had a lifetime license we bought back in version 2 that they managed to weasel their way out of with version 3 forward) that switched to Xen. Last year we swapped over to Wordpress but felt it wasn't what we wanted for out community. We settled with Xenforo because the community, devs, support staff here are very helpful, friendly and supportive. (Brogan is a machine - does that guy ever sleep???)

So I'm pretty confident you can get your homepage set up the way you want it to be. Just takes a little more CSS/HTML work.

Brill! Is AMS a paid add on? If so, do you mind linking it? Ill go buy a XenForo licence now then.
Thanks for that. Will go and buy them both now then. I really need to try and learn html/css so I can be a bit more literate with this haha. I know a lot about tech in general but coding is just so alien and hard to learn for me for some reason.
I believe Xenforo gives a free demo if you request it. I would say try it out beforehand so you can understand how the admin section works. It's a little different than IPS backend in terms of Forums(Nodes) and how permissions work. If you're looking to convert your IPS site to Xen, they also have a free converter to do that. I highly recommend you take a look at how to set the permissions up in Xenforo because it's slightly different than IPS - but not hard.

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