PHP Scripting - Execute CLI Job With Key


Active member
Hi all,

Hopefully someone here can help me out with some PHP scripting. What need is fairly basic, but PHP is still fairly alien to me.

Essentially, I want to be able to have an external service, in my case EasyCron, make a call to a php file and have it execute the xf:run-jobs activity, but I'd like it to be protected by a key so not just anyone can do this.

Psuedo-code below:
private static readonly string keyValue = "1234";

public HttpResponse Execute(string key)
    return keyValue == key
        ? XF.RunJobs()
        : HttpResponse.AccessDenied;

In practice the key would likely be a guid or some other randomly-generated value, but 1234 works to illustrate the example.
Exactly what are you trying to protect xf:run-jobs from?

If someone can execute arbitrary CLI commands on your server, you have much bigger issues to deal with - as in, they can do anything they want with your server.

I work on the assumption that CLI is secure.
Exactly what are you trying to protect xf:run-jobs from?

If someone can execute arbitrary CLI commands on your server, you have much bigger issues to deal with - as in, they can do anything they want with your server.

I work on the assumption that CLI is secure.
It's moreso that I want to have a class that I can call from an external service that
  1. Can only execute xf:run-jobs
  2. Has some sort of verification check using a secure key
I'm using shared hosting to run my site, and while my host does offer a cron service, the maximum frequency is once per hour. Xenforo's docs specify this should be run minutely, so I want to enable EasyCron to handle this.

This is also how I have it set up with Invision Community, which I'm in the progress of migrating from.
If you can't run a proper cron job, just use the activity based trigger - that's what it's there for?
It's moreso that I want to have a class that I can call from an external service that
  1. Can only execute xf:run-jobs
  2. Has some sort of verification check using a secure key
I'm using shared hosting to run my site, and while my host does offer a cron service, the maximum frequency is once per hour. Xenforo's docs specify this should be run minutely, so I want to enable EasyCron to handle this.

This is also how I have it set up with Invision Community, which I'm in the progress of migrating from.

Have it run no key is needed
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