Photoshop alternative - free or otherwise?


Well-known member
Does anyone have suggestions for a free alternative to Photoshop? I'd like something that does everything PS does, or at least close as possible. I've heard of GIMPshop and of course GIMP, which is said to be what I'm looking for, but I'd like to shop around if there is anything else to compare.

Last time i looked at GIMP it didn't have layers, making it a no go as a replacement for Photoshop in my opinion.

There's always Microsoft Paint ... we may need emergency treatment for all graphic artists on the site when they read that ;)

Sorry can't think of a free alternative that matches PS.
Last time i looked at GIMP it didn't have layers, making it a no go as a replacement for Photoshop in my opinion.

There's always Microsoft Paint ... we may need emergency treatment for all graphic artists on the site when they read that ;)

Sorry can't think of a free alternative that matches PS.
hahaha the last thing we need is Microsoft competing with Adobe ... hmmm on a second thought maybe it's a good idea :D
hahaha the last thing we need is Microsoft competing with Adobe ... hmmm on a second thought maybe it's a good idea :D
I'd love that actually ;) I'd get it as part of our MSDN/Microsoft Partner plan at work rather than having to shell out for Master Suite again ;)
Does anyone have suggestions for a free alternative to Photoshop? I'd like something that does everything PS does, or at least close as possible. I've heard of GIMPshop and of course GIMP, which is said to be what I'm looking for, but I'd like to shop around if there is anything else to compare.


try it,

to be clear it's not MS Paint. You have alot of options like photoshop some are even better, I edit DDS files for silent hunter 4 and handles this way better then PS 4.

Hope you enjoy it
I'd love that actually ;) I'd get it as part of our MSDN/Microsoft Partner plan at work rather than having to shell out for Master Suite again ;)

Amen to that.
I'm digging the new expression blend. (free with MSDN) but the whole suite doesn't have anything that do what Photoshop does. At this point I'm happy with silverlight a true flash killer.

The truth is Adobe invested heavily in photo algorithms. It's not the actual program that's amazing, it's the science and research behind its image processing algorithm. It will take Microsoft years to even come a little close.
Would Photoshop 7 suffice, CBI Web?
I have PS7, and could never afford to upgrade. I recently bought a new laptop with Windows 7, and I'm reluctant to torture it with PS7 :p Before I do, however, I want to check out the alternatives. I'm about to start work on a new website (with forums powered by Xenforo :D ), so I need to install something ASAP.
I have PS7, and could never afford to upgrade. I recently bought a new laptop with Windows 7, and I'm reluctant to torture it with PS7 :p Before I do, however, I want to check out the alternatives. I'm about to start work on a new website (with forums powered by Xenforo :D ), so I need to install something ASAP.

Photoshop is the only way out :D but then again if you do not know how to use the new features and you are not familiar with photoshop cs4 or cs5 then stick with what you know .. PS7 works just fine under win7
Last time i looked at GIMP it didn't have layers, making it a no go as a replacement for Photoshop in my opinion.

There's always Microsoft Paint ... we may need emergency treatment for all graphic artists on the site when they read that ;)

Sorry can't think of a free alternative that matches PS.
Yeah, Gimp has layers. Had to switch when I went to an iMac. Interface is tough to get used to.
What's the hiccup then, CBI Web?
Mostly wanted to stay away from older software, and can't afford the latest Photoshop. :)

Thanks everyone. From what Blandt says I'll go ahead and install PS7 on my Win7 machine. But first I'm going to install GIMP and Paint anyway, just to see what they're about; my curiosity has been peaked. :D And kyrgyz, thanks for the heads up regarding Oracle VM VirtualBox. It may come in handy someday!
It's a well known fact that the average user of photoshop will never use 90% of the features of photoshop. Id say use what your comfortable with and if that is a free alternative all the more better, Id suggest giving inkscape a try, embraced by many who have used illustrater and a great free alternative. You can see and download here >>

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