Photography Heavy Sites: What settings / addons do you use?

set it to 350. upload a few test images. see the thumbnails generated. if happy, rebuild. tbh, i am not sure if there is any other option at the moment. xenforo resizing seems to be pretty decent for full sized version. thumbnails are not that high quality. but that makes sense to be honest, they are only supposed to give a preview of the full image and keeping them high quality does not help because it increases the loading time while still giving a small preview of the original image.
btw I have bunch of lost attachments that do display as broken images in posts. any chance there is a log of attachment rebuilding where I'll be able to see a list of something like "attach123 failed to rebuild, attach456 failed to rebuild"?
@AndyB would be better placed to answer that. i only recently started using attachments on my board and i haven't needed to run that task yet!
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