Persistent Alerts

Persistent Alerts [Paid] 2.6.0

No permission to buy ($25.00)
Suggestion on alert setting option - globally and at the user level: Create an option to Suppress Emails to Once Daily if there are more new replies to a watched thread.

The thinking is this... if an email alert is sent for every single reply it can get way too overwhelming in your inbox for a busy thread. But if you only get one alert for new replies and then no more alerts after that until you view the thread, you can easily forget or not know that the thread is really active. There should be an option that fits in between these two options. Maybe it can be a daily email notification for a thread if there are consistent new unread replies being posted every day. Or maybe it's a reminder email about threads that still have new replies that are unread. Something to prompt the user to go read the unread replies daily or weekly (or a specified interval), but not a persistent email alert.

I can't wait for the day that we can just have push notifications for all phones instead of relying on email alerts. For those admins whose communities are full of iOS users, that is one of the most glaring missing pieces to the puzzle for forums.
Fantastic add-on. I'll probably purchase it today, but first I'd like to know if there's a setting to let users keep receiving emails/alerts about watched threads but only if the user who replied is the thread started himself, thanks!
Fantastic add-on. I'll probably purchase it today, but first I'd like to know if there's a setting to let users keep receiving emails/alerts about watched threads but only if the user who replied is the thread started himself, thanks!
I don't think that's a setting in this add-on, at least I didn't see it, but what you describe would definitely be useful to forum users.

A lot of members want to follow a thread when the original author posts updates, but they don't necessarily care about the replies from others - especially when the thread is a "progress" type thread, where the author is documenting their progress/journey. We have these types of threads and an option to only receive updates when the OP replies would be awesome - whether it's implemented in this add-on or created as a separate add-on.
Thank you for the info. Hopefully Xon considers this for his next update then :) I'll be patiently waiting.
We have these types of threads and an option to only receive updates when the OP replies would be awesome - whether it's implemented in this add-on or created as a separate add-on.
I don't really plan to add that sort of feature to this add-on. As I have another add-on which already does that;



Thread starter alerts are based off the word-count (admin configurable threshold), and can be trigged regardless when using Threadmarks add-on. This add-on also supports my collaborative threads add-on to allow multiple thread starters in a thread.
I've just taken a look at the other add-on, and besides the price (more expensive), it also has a lot of other add-ons as requirement, such as word counts and search enhancements.

I'm wondering if it's worth to do all this just to let the thread starter notify users whenever he replies to a thread they're watching. Isn't there a simpler approach which wouldn't require us to install many side add-ons? I'd personally not check the length of the post or anything complicated, I'd just want the thread starter to always notify users by mail when he replies in a thread they're watching. Thanks.
I'd just want the thread starter to always notify users by mail when he replies in a thread they're watching. Thanks.
But they will alerts anyway if they are watching the thread. Whether get emails surely has to be up to their preferences.
Users normally don't get any emails if in the meantime someone else replied to the thread and they didn't open the thread to see the reply. This add-on, on the other side, becomes too aggressive by ALWAYS updating users about new replies by anyone, which ends up causing confusion in my opinion.

The other add-on Xon suggested might be a better solution, but at a higher cost, and higher server stress due to the many additional queries I'd sincerely like to avoid, as big forums can be negatively impacted even for just a single extra query.
Each site is different, only a few extra queries might not change much on a website which isn't using anything advanced or isn't big enough, but with more complex/advanced sites, it's always better if you can save unnecessary extra queries if you don't really need it. The other add-on you mentioned is built for very particular needs which end up adding more queries than this add-on, unless it's possible to turn off some of the unneeded features such as the words count.

Being one of the most talended developers here, you should understand what I mean better than anyone else.
Dude, then look for other addons. You are lecturing the addon developer who already has an addon which does something you want. Either get it or not.
I ain't lecturing anyone, and I don't think I asked for your opinion or anyone here did. What's the point of your message? You're going to argue for what? I'm just talking and asking, unless there's no free will anymore on here, as it's not the first time you step in when nobody asked for your opinion.
I do write as I please. I don't need your permission. Just like right now at his very moment. Nobody asked for my opinion, this is correct, but nobody asked for your opinions either. So what is your point? That you are a special teddy bear? Should we pat your back? Just write things which pleases you? This is a forum if it escaped your mind and on forums people.... drum rolls... write their opinions.

My point of my message is that I don't like your attitude. The dev already expressed his opinion about not planning the feature you want since he already did it on another addon. Yet you repeat the same thing over and over and think the world is centered around you. So, I suggested to move on and to look for another addon if you are displeased.
I do write as I please. I don't need your permission. Just like right now at his very moment. Nobody asked for my opinion, this is correct, but nobody asked for your opinions either. So what is your point? That you are a special teddy bear? Should we pat your back? Just write things which pleases you? This is a forum if it escaped your mind and on forums people.... drum rolls... write their opinions.

My point of my message is that I don't like your attitude. The dev already expressed his opinion about not planning the feature you want since he already did it on another addon. Yet you repeat the same thing over and over and think the world is centered around you. So, I suggested to move on and to look for another addon if you are displeased.
If you're so rude and disrespectful it's obvious that you should better shut up, and if you used all the time wasted to write such meaningless post by reading first, all this wouldn't have happened. But, unlike you, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to explain you how wrong you are in every single word you said, I'll just say you'd better shut up as you're totally extraneous to the discussion, which involves only three users (not you) and I, as potential customer of Xon, have all the rights to ask for something if I'm gonna pay for it, without having useless "defenders" join like this is a war or something.

And now calm down and leave, kid.
Just saw this in the database and wonder what sv_perstient_alert_always is for.

There only seems to be the one user option in preferences, persistent alerts on or off. So what id the option for persistent alerts always?

Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 15.17.23.png
That is a leftover column from the XF1 version when I removed a very redundant option that didn't make a lot of sense. You can ignore it, a future update will remove that column since it is pointless
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