XF 2.0 permission denied when uploading attachments


Active member

after the upgrade to XF 2.0.5 and the move to a new server, I get a "permission denied" error when uploading attachments (XF says "Oops! We ran into some problems."). This looks like this in the server error log:

ErrorException: [E_WARNING] fopen(/var/www4/internal_data/attachments/0/10-932940c314d5eccde50b50929a2d68a4.data): failed to open stream: Permission denied src/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Adapter/Local.php:151
Generiert durch: Admin 12. Mai 2018 um 09:40 Uhr

OK, I know that data and internal_data must have 0777, all along the way.

I've checked with WinSCP, and all directories along the path (including internal_data) have 0777. This is the last step:

What's wrong? Any help is appreciated.

All the times I have seen this error come up is you need to recursively chmod your data and internal_data directories to 0777 to ensure that XF can read and write to all files there. There have been instances where the host needed to do it for one reason or another.
Hello, ozzy -

I've done that, I even did

chmod -R 0777 data
chmod -R 0777 internal_data

Interestingly enough, the screen shot shows that yesterday XF was able to create files in that directory!

OK, so I did another recursive run by WinSCP, setting all to 0777, and after it was finished (took quite long), the same error occurs.

Good morning (at least where I live) -

it actually was a permission problem, but in the data folder. After I did a chmod -R 0777 data it's working fine now. (As I am using a VPS, the hoster is out of the game when it comes to permissions on the system.)
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