Lack of interest Per-style template modification.

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Well-known member
Some XF styles require dedicated addons to work well. However, such addon can cause other non-related XF styles malfunction, hence my suggestion:

Real-world example: I am helping someone configuring his XenForo forum in these days, and I found that the StylesFactory Core addon has serious compatibility issues with XenFocus Aperture theme. If an XF style has to utilize a dedicated addon to work well, it is not expected to affect other non-related styles.

1. Add certain admin-customizable metadata fields for each style in this page:
(for example: a customized "data-style-vendor" field can put "ShikiSuen")

2. Add style-metadata-matching fields in the configuration page of each Template Modification. If left blank, it works globally by default.

$ EOF.
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