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(Paid) Viral Mod: "Refer Your Friends"

Divinum Fiat

Well-known member
I want my members to refer their friends - the more the better...

See screenshots attached of what I'm thinking about:

The add on should allow for people up upload or add up to x-number of email addresses and have a space for one or two sentences that can be sent directly to their friends. The sentences can be pre-written by the system for quicker sending, and should also automatically add the sender's name but sender should also be able to change the pre-written message to their friends. Ideally they can draw email addresses from other resources (see screen shots).

It is important that there is a check box somewhere where members have to agree that they are not spamming people they don't know, and that these messages are going to people they know.

If name and email addresses are entered manually there should be space to "add another name".
invite add more.webp
Because I plan to use this feature to award those who refer the most friends with a promoted post and/or appearance in the slider, I need to be able to 'check', i.e. verify that the member came from them. So a 'pending' status or some sort of place in their profile needs to allow all users to see who each member has invited (without display of full name and email of course). See next screen shot.

invite status.webp
As an added bonus, but not necessary, it would be great if once a month or so, a pop-over would appear for signed-in members only, with a space to send a few invites to friends.​
invite pop over.webp
Who can take this on?​
Anyone else willing to chip in?​
I was hoping ragtek's mod would allow to invite several users from what I understand in my communication with him it only allows for one invite at a time and is not supported for 1.1. Other than that it would be a great add on.
I don't know much about open source or even how to modify it. If there is and it can be done, that would be great. :)
I did some research and found it: http://openinviter.com/ This looks like what you're looking for, and it's FREE. It would be great to have a Xenforo mod that worked with this. If this could be included as a widget and put on the side of the home page or have as part of the user registration process. The viral effect would be amazing!
I had a look at your site, looks very impressive! I see you have lots of guests looking, 46 I saw.

Thank you, dear. The guests come and go. The highest I saw was 70, the lowest was 0 (lol). But I'm not complaining, site is only 2.5 weeks old, today we got 2 new sign ups and my first SPAM poster! haha. Wanted to kick her to the curb, but I was nice and just deleted her url in broad daylight. I'm sure I'll get a beating for it. ;)
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