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[Paid Mod] Bookmarks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
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I guess we are all blondes then :D - not that it's a bad thing :whistle:
I agree that the edit/delete links should have their own css classes. As this is not a big enough change to warrant a new version, it will have to wait till other changes/improvements are required/desired.

As for the 'Bookmarks' link on the left hand side of the account page, I use that all the time so not sure why you'd want that removed.

Yeah I agree it doesn't warrant a new revision until more suggestions/improvements are implemented.

Yeah I'll just add css to hide the side navigation it's no biggie for me to hide it though I do still think the side navigation could become useful for bookmark related stuff rather than the same old links which are present in the tablink menu above and also in usercp.
My turn for a blonde moment :D Why would you want to repost something as a thread when it's already posted on the site?
Sometimes people post an article, link, pic, video or quote that is so interesting that it's worth creating a thread about. An example being The Random Thoughts thread on my site. Also, I merge all of my news feeds into one thread pertaining to it's subject. If someone wants to create a thread about a post in that mega news feed thread then instead of copy-n-pasting the RSS post they could hit the Repost As Thread button.
Sometimes people post an article, link, pic, video or quote that is so interesting that it's worth creating a thread about. An example being The Random Thoughts thread on my site. Also, I merge all of my news feeds into one thread pertaining to it's subject. If someone wants to create a thread about a post in that mega news feed thread then instead of copy-n-pasting the RSS post they could hit the Repost As Thread button.
Ahhh, that makes more sense now :) It would be a wasted feature on my site as it would just result in duplicated content.
Ahhh, that makes more sense now :) It would be a wasted feature on my site as it would just result in duplicated content.
It wouldn't be wasted on mine because my members don't create threads often. They mostly just post in other people's threads because they either don't know how to create a thread (yes, they are that brand new to forums) or they are too lazy to do so.
Seasons Greetings,
version 1.0.5 has now been emailed to everyone.

The main new features are:

- Bookmarks may now be organised using tags. These tags are then used to filter the bookmark list on the Account page.
- Ability to select which bookmarks you wish to have displayed in the quick links navigation menu.
- Added option to select the default state of the public/private radio button on the save a bookmark form.
- Added an option for the location of the edit/delete links of the bookmark item.
- The action of bookmarking a post is now inserted into the Recent Activity news feed.
- Added an option for users to receive an alert whenever someone bookmarks one of their posts.
- Added style properties for highlighting a sticky bookmark item.

Happy holidays.
View attachment 22937 View attachment 22938

The tags look nice. Is there a tag mod for threads available?
The tags look nice. Is there a tag mod for threads available?
Are you asking this as a general question or are you asking whether I plan to create a thread tagging add-on?
The answer to both are, I don't think so and no, respectively.
This is a question to those of you who use this add-on.
Are you happy with the way it works right now or can you suggest ways to improve it.
I am not saying I will implement all ideas, but if it is something popular I will.
This is a question to those of you who use this add-on.
Are you happy with the way it works right now or can you suggest ways to improve it.
I am not saying I will implement all ideas, but if it is something popular I will.

Add-on works great Syndol.

It's not a suggestion atm but I still think the side navigation can be utilised somehow to include bookmark features. Not sure what they would be but perhaps a top x amount of bookmarked threads etc (this might be overkill) but something related to the bookmarks.

The delete/edit buttons I think still need classed up since at this time and due to the delete button using a class that displays elsewhere which restricts styling the edit and delete buttons on mine are still joined as one. Although, this is a minor update which would warrant a release it might be worth adding and releasing if your stuck for features to include.
Couldn't resist and purchased. Thanks Syndol for this wonderful addon. I've made a Turkish translation while I was digging into the addon. There appear to be some hardcoded english phrases or I couldn't find them...


The translation contains all phrases that appear in the frontent as well as options in the backend admin. Only, phrases of the style property settings are left untranslated. I've attached the Turkish translation to this message.
İlgili olanlar için eklentiyi Türkçe'ye çevirdim. Çeviri seçenekler ve önyüz cümlelerin hepsini kapsıyor ancak stil seçeneklerini kapsamıyor. İlgili olanlar ekte bulunan .zip dosyasını indirerek, mevcut kullandıkları dilin üzerine yazdırarak yükleyebilirler.


Version 1.0.7 is out.

This release has minimal changes:

- A few hard coded sentences in the ACP options were converted into phrases.
- Added a couple of css classes to make it easier to style the 'Edit' and 'Delete' links in the 'bookmarks_item' template.

There is no need to upgrade, but if you wish to do so, simply 'Upgrade' the addon-Bookmarks_107.xml.
There is no need to reupload any of the files.

The file has now been emailed to everyone.
Version 1.0.7 is out.

This release has minimal changes:

- A few hard coded sentences in the ACP options were converted into phrases.
- Added a couple of css classes to make it easier to style the 'Edit' and 'Delete' links in the 'bookmarks_item' template.

There is no need to upgrade, but if you wish to do so, simply 'Upgrade' the addon-Bookmarks_107.xml.
There is no need to reupload any of the files.

The file has now been emailed to everyone.

Thanks for the update Syndol. (y)
Version 1.0.8

Yes, you guessed it - yet another version of this fantastic add-on.
This time I have added Bookmarks to the Daily Statistics page in the ACP.

There is no need to upgrade, but if you wish to do so, follow these three steps:

1). Upload the folder 'library/Bookmarks/StatsHandler/' to your server
2). Upload the file 'library/Bookmarks/Install/108.php' to your server
3). Upgrade the addon-Bookmarks_108.xml

Hopefully you will find this addition useful.
The file has now been emailed to everyone.

To the one person on this mailing list who is pirating this add-on, please stop doing that.
It is just not cool. And to those who actually download it from him - enjoy the bonus Trojan ;)
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