Add-on [PAID] Full Wordpress/Xenforo bridge

Personally, i think that to have a product like this updates is a problem. The majority of coders doesn't have time for doing this (update regularly a product, there are not "economic advantage"). My plan is to have this bridge for wp 3.2 and 1.1, and will mantain this version. If you see the majority of sites with custom bridges have a very old version of the forum software (vb 3.0, 3.5, 3.7 etc.).
Personally, i think that to have a product like this updates is a problem. The majority of coders doesn't have time for doing this (update regularly a product, there are not "economic advantage"). My plan is to have this bridge for wp 3.2 and 1.1, and will mantain this version. If you see the majority of sites with custom bridges have a very old version of the forum software (vb 3.0, 3.5, 3.7 etc.).
This really wouldn't work with Wordpress.

The reason they update so regularly is because any exploits are quickly used by script kiddies. Forcing administrators to not update is a large security risk.
This really wouldn't work with Wordpress.

The reason they update so regularly is because any exploits are quickly used by script kiddies. Forcing administrators to not update is a large security risk.

Ok but there is question of minor have to find a good person to do this (change the code for security updates to mantain the compatibility with bridge). But with huge custom code" you can't expect to have your board/cms regularly updated (except if you have a very big budget), that's sure.
Ok but there is question of minor have to find a good person to do this (change the code for security updates to mantain the compatibility with bridge). But with huge custom code" you can't expect to have your board/cms regularly updated (except if you have a very big budget), that's sure.
The best way to keep an add-on updated by the developer is to allow them to resell it, as they'll have incentive to develop the system more, as well as fix any bugs due to version breaks.
I'd be interested in working on this, and am exploring a couple avenues. What features would you need?

So far I've implemented (my own code, not based on the existing bridge):
  • Wordpress users logged in/out based upon current XenForo user
  • WP user contains a value containing XF user ID - if this does not exist, they are not "linked"
  • If no WP user exists, but logged into XF, a new WP user is created with the XF user's username/email and linked
  • If a WP user exists by username, but is not linked, but logged into XF by an account with the same username, the accounts are linked
  • If logged into WP and not linked to a XF user and you are logged into XF, the accounts are linked (allows linking of old WP accounts)
(man, that needs a diagram)
Currently working on:
  • Joint avatars (done, but rather, err... ugly :/)
  • Linking a blog to a specified forum
I'd be interested in working on this, and am exploring a couple avenues. What features would you need?

So far I've implemented (my own code, not based on the existing bridge):
  • Wordpress users logged in/out based upon current XenForo user
  • WP user contains a value containing XF user ID - if this does not exist, they are not "linked"
  • If no WP user exists, but logged into XF, a new WP user is created with the XF user's username/email and linked
  • If a WP user exists by username, but is not linked, but logged into XF by an account with the same username, the accounts are linked
  • If logged into WP and not linked to a XF user and you are logged into XF, the accounts are linked (allows linking of old WP accounts)
(man, that needs a diagram)

Currently working on:
  • Joint avatars (done, but rather, err... ugly :/)
  • Linking a blog to a specified forum

That sounds great.

One big thing I think most people will want is avatars from XF imported into WP. I want to use XF as the master database for users with wordpress only for users to comment on posts. All automated of course as I plan to integrate the code from the XF dropdown login/register into my wordpress site

One question security wise. What happens if example 'user1' is a WP admin then someone creates 'user1' in XF does that give them admin rights to WP and vice versa?

Do you also plan on maintaining this mod? I think from the posts so far we can raise over $1000 for this mod for you but it may be better to sell it standalone that way in the long run you will make a lot more $ because you can support future updates/fixes

Thanks for taking this on :), any preview so far?
The best way would be to have make one and have a paid support option.

Agreed...I don't think that there are interested..

The best way to keep an add-on updated by the developer is to allow them to resell it, as they'll have incentive to develop the system more, as well as fix any bugs due to version breaks.

Very difficult to find a coder aivable to update a product...
Apart from the very condescending comment on developers from India and China, this is a very interesting thread. I do not think it's easy to find someone willing to make it a recurring project. The best chance is with someone who uses Xenforo and Wordpress for their own personal needs. That really narrows down the possible coders a LOT. I really doubt it's possible to get this done as a recurring project.
Well, I now have linked avatars (ugly, because I didn't really want to take the image proxy approach locally, so I get Gravatar to do that for me. Sorta).
Comments are now linked between XF and WP (currently the template needs editing to remove the "post comment" form, as XF is held as the "master" comment source). This also means that blog cross-posting to the forums is also working.

I don't know if I can share my test board with you, because I believe I would need another XF license to share my development board with you - this license is currently used on a public site, and the license agreement states we're only allowed one "non-public" development board, and one live board.
I think that simply you can send the link in PC instead of this topics...if there are anyone interested, can sed a PC to lukegb for seeing this test board.
If we have XF acts as master user database and handle registration/login, why do we need WP to create new users in its own database?
If we have XF acts as master user database and handle registration/login, why do we need WP to create new users in its own database?

This simplifies various things, and means that you don't need a brand new, clean WordPress install, so existing WordPress installs can also use the bridge.
Well, I now have linked avatars (ugly, because I didn't really want to take the image proxy approach locally, so I get Gravatar to do that for me. Sorta).
Comments are now linked between XF and WP (currently the template needs editing to remove the "post comment" form, as XF is held as the "master" comment source). This also means that blog cross-posting to the forums is also working.

I don't know if I can share my test board with you, because I believe I would need another XF license to share my development board with you - this license is currently used on a public site, and the license agreement states we're only allowed one "non-public" development board, and one live board.
Fair enough. Although if you password protect it I believe its ok to show to certain people for development reasons as it wouldnt be considered 'public'

I am very interested in seeing this, is there any other way this can be arranged?
Fair enough. Although if you password protect it I believe its ok to show to certain people for development reasons as it wouldnt be considered 'public'

I am very interested in seeing this, is there any other way this can be arranged?

Sure, add me on one of the two IM services I've got listed on my profile, and I'll talk with you there.

At the moment most of the settings are hard-coded in. This is actually easy to change with the way I have done it, and I shall either split the settings into some sort of configuration file or make the settings editable via WordPress' panel.
If we have XF acts as master user database and handle registration/login, why do we need WP to create new users in its own database?
This simplifies various things, and means that you don't need a brand new, clean WordPress install, so existing WordPress installs can also use the bridge.
Lukegb: would this also help in the scenario that a Wordpress user decides to stop using a forum ? or switch to a different forum ? ie. Under your model ... Wordpress could be made to function independently (ie. having no xenforo at all) because it has a database of Users in Wordpress ?
Lukegb: would this also help in the scenario that a Wordpress user decides to stop using a forum ? or switch to a different forum ? ie. Under your model ... Wordpress could be made to function independently (ie. having no xenforo at all) because it has a database of Users in Wordpress ?
Yes, although synced comments would all disappear if you disabled my WordPress plugin. Note however that users would have to manually reset their passwords on WordPress!
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