[OzzModz] RSS Feed Filter

[OzzModz] RSS Feed Filter 2.0.6

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Use that setting + this add-on and + this one to set your publish date to current when you publish it:
You can fine tune your feed well! That's what I do.
What does content Owner do with it? I dont see any extra settings after installing it ...
If you moderate your RSS, when you publish it, you can edit the date to current, is all. It's in the thread and post tools.
I love this add-on, thank you!

Can you possibly add a keyword filter box to filter OUT? This is perfect for my needs but I have certain instances where I need to filter out certain topics, etc.
I was thinking instead of another box, we could use (-) like in google, so

cars, ford, -politics (obviously with better keywords to filter out the actual politics)

And explain it below where it says to use the comma.

I could help fund this if anyone else is interested. Or donate after. I love the function but man, my members are getting really pissed about politics slipping through. Moderating them is not an option.

I was thinking instead of another box, we could use (-) like in google, so

cars, ford, -politics (obviously with better keywords to filter out the actual politics)

And explain it below where it says to use the comma.

I could help fund this if anyone else is interested. Or donate after. I love the function but man, my members are getting really pissed about politics slipping through. Moderating them is not an option.


That's what's I'm defending all along.

The add-on is great, but the 'opt out' option with a (-) or a box to filter out the content is the ideal complement.

I can make a donation too if this going to be implemented.

With this, I almost certainly that moderate my RSS Feeds is going to be almost automatic with minimal interaction by me.
That's what's I'm defending all along.

The add-on is great, but the 'opt out' option with a (-) or a box to filter out the content is the ideal complement.

I can make a donation too if this going to be implemented.

With this, I almost certainly that moderate my RSS Feeds is going to be almost automatic with minimal interaction by me.

Hello guys,

Just a quick heads up on our last suggestion?

Opting out with keywords would be even more effective than the original idea (opt in).

Thanks for the attention.
I can make a donation too if this going to be implemented.
Like I said me too. Having major issues and blocking certain keywords would cure it. I do not want/need to moderate my feed, it's news, and it works, but they slip in "10 best deals on..." type posts every so often and I can nix them by blocking "deals." Just one example, there's a couple in my case, but then it would be a care-free feed!
I have RSS importer posting to a single thread but users following that thread don't get alerts. Is this due posts being posted via RSS importer and not as normal posts by user? Is it possible to make posts by RSS importer generate alert to users following the thread? Thanks!

I have RSS importer posting to a single thread but users following that thread don't get alerts. Is this due posts being posted via RSS importer and not as normal posts by user? Is it possible to make posts by RSS importer generate alert to users following the thread? Thanks!


I’ll look into it when I get some free time.

If i'm not mistaken (and i did test it...), this can be fixed fairly easily by adding code $replier->sendNotifications(); on a blank line after the $db->commit(); on line 132 of /src/addons/Snog/RSS/XF/Service/Feed/Feeder.php file.
If i'm not mistaken (and i did test it...), this can be fixed fairly easily by adding code $replier->sendNotifications(); on a blank line after the $db->commit(); on line 132 of /src/addons/Snog/RSS/XF/Service/Feed/Feeder.php file.

I tested this in production and works fine. Thank you.
Any plans for it to set a limit on how much text is imported?

For example, only do the first 200 words, so we don't take an entire article? This way we can give a preview and link to the main source. :)
Willing to pitch in a few bucks to get a word filter on it.

I am trying not to import people's entire articles and get called out for content theft, but a nice 200 word preview would be perfect... :cool:
That would be up to the website that is supplying the RSS, they set the limit on how much text is grabbed.
That would be up to the website that is supplying the RSS, they set the limit on how much text is grabbed.

An RSS feed can't tell another website how much of their content to take tho, that's up to the site importing it.

There should be a way to limit the amount of text imported, like set the limit at importing only 500 characters or 300 words.

As it is now, we're basically just stealing other people's full articles and I'm probably sure they wouldn't like that :/
No, the site your getting the info from controls how much text is allowed to show before the “continue reading …” link is shown.
No, the site your getting the info from controls how much text is allowed to show before the “continue reading …” link is shown.

Wordpress has the "full" or "excerpt" option - that's different.

Wordpress, which most article based sites use, cannot tell you to only scrape 300 words of the 1,000 they display.

That's our job to tell our content scrapers and feed parsers what to get and how much to get - we have to limit that from our end.

Just because an rss feeds allows the full story to be seen, doesn't mean the hosting site is not capable of stopping at a certain limit, especially with regards to copyright violations (images) and for moral reasons, like not wanting to steal full content - but prefer to give a quick preview and then link to the story so the content creators get some action.

I see a full box of donuts. It's there. I can eat it, but I know my limits.
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