[OzzModz] Post Comments

[OzzModz] Post Comments 2.0.2 Patch Level 3

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It seems this works when the page counter is built from the Position column in the xf_post table instead of the count of the posts; Position only is added to for real posts.
Yeah. I found in someone's signature a link to another comment system (not listed here in resources), and I asked them about updates during licence period. No response yet. I'm seriously considering buying (lifetime, preferably) but I would need to be sure that if XF updates, that I would be entitled to their add-on updates too. No sense in paying something (it's expensive) and having to pay for it again during the period you already paid because they did a bugfix or whatever.
I've pinpointed it down to table xf_thread having a reply_count column value that reflects ALL replies including comments. If you have this value at "number of posts that are not a comment", then the pagination is correct and all posts (including comments) are still displayed when opening the thread.
To find the PHP code that sets/updates this value is something else, with so many classes in so many places. But, it's at least something to start.

Edit: It seems it is very simple. I had to edit one file and now it works, yay. (Plus update the DB counters in the xf_thread table, which should be done by the plugin upon deactivation/deinstallation and installation/activation/version upgrade if columns are present).

I don't know if the license allows me to post the solution but I'm going to contact the developer, if he reads it, I'm sure he'll have a fix that works for everyone in no time. :)
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I've pinpointed it down to table xf_thread having a reply_count column value that reflects ALL replies including comments. If you have this value at "number of posts that are not a comment", then the pagination is correct and all posts (including comments) are still displayed when opening the thread.
To find the PHP code that sets/updates this value is something else, with so many classes in so many places. But, it's at least something to start.

Edit: It seems it is very simple. I had to edit one file and now it works, yay. (Plus update the DB counters in the xf_thread table, which should be done by the plugin upon deactivation/deinstallation and installation/activation/version upgrade if columns are present).

I don't know if the license allows me to post the solution but I'm going to contact the developer, if he reads it, I'm sure he'll have a fix that works for everyone in no time. :)

Ozzy seems to be afk from Xenforo right now... Please message this to @Painbaker who has been working on this addon with Ozzy behind the scenes ( and me seperately please if possible!)
thank you for all the fixes :)

after the last update it seemed things were doing much much better but it didn't take long to realize that once threads reach new pages, the pagination stops working properly, so I've been running a rebuild pages & counters twice a day but this feels like it is a bug and would prefer to not be doing manual rebuilds twice a day. it seems to be an issue mostly on older threads, I think because they're the ones with deleted posts.

additionally it seems that nobody is receiving any notifications for comments under their posts.
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thank you for all the fixes :)

after the last update it seemed things were doing much much better but it didn't take long to realize that once threads reach new pages, the pagination stops working properly, so I've been running a rebuild pages & counters twice a day but this feels like it is a bug and would prefer to not be doing manual rebuilds twice a day. it seems to be an issue mostly on older threads, I think because they're the ones with deleted posts.

additionally it seems that nobody is receiving any notifications for comments under their posts.
I have to say, for me it's working perfectly now. I have my alerts on comments switched off, so I wouldn't know if it's missing - I'll check - but pagination is correct for me.
A comment takes you back to the page of the comment. It's harder to later know which posts in a thread are new, if you're a "dedicated follower" of all content in a thread, if you're out of sequence (the "new" flags also don't always show correctly anymore). :)
but it didn't take long to realize that once threads reach new pages, the pagination stops working properly, so I've been running a rebuild pages & counters twice a day but this feels like it is a bug and would prefer to not be doing manual rebuilds twice a day.
Same here - this is why i deactivate them for last version, but new one seem to have the same pagination trouble. Ma members kills me for that, so I deactivet them now again and hope and wait for a working solution for that.
When using this add-on, I'd like to hide the reply box that's a standard element at the bottom of the thread view page. Instead, I'd like the reply box to only open when clicking "reply" while using this add-on. I've been messing around with the thread view template and can't seem to figure this out...does anyone know how I do this? Thanks!

my forum is unfortunately broken beyond repair with this addon no matter how many rebuilds I run, any new post on a large thread breaks the pagination. my forum does have over 2million posts and many threads have hundreds of pages so it's likely to be an issue unique to mine since it's also imported from another addon which caused constant pagination issues.

I have given up on this and any addon with comments for my community. the pagination issues are killing us.

my question is this:

I want to uninstall this addon as my members are now getting errors whenever they post. but I am worried it will erase all the posts that were comments before disabling rig, becuase it says all data will be erased. Will uninstalling this addon remove all posts that were comments ?
my forum is unfortunately broken beyond repair with this addon no matter how many rebuilds I run, any new post on a large thread breaks the pagination. my forum does have over 2million posts and many threads have hundreds of pages so it's likely to be an issue unique to mine since it's also imported from another addon which caused constant pagination issues.

I have given up on this and any addon with comments for my community. the pagination issues are killing us.

my question is this:

I want to uninstall this addon as my members are now getting errors whenever they post. but I am worried it will erase all the posts that were comments before disabling rig, becuase it says all data will be erased. Will uninstalling this addon remove all posts that were comments ?
Not the posts, but the post order in your threads may get messed up, since the post IDs won't be in the right sequence. Before you uninstall, take a look at your DB tables, there may be a simple fix to restore "law and order" in your posts table by renumbering a column.
I have given up on this and any addon with comments for my community. the pagination issues are killing us.
You want comments in posts.

Would need an addon.

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