[OzzModz] Most Ever Online

[OzzModz] Most Ever Online 2.0.1

No permission to download
Add to extra.less
.block[data-widget-id="X"] .block-footer {
    background: #FFF;

Substitute the X in the code above with your actual widget id number (see on page code to get id).

Just a slight change to the above, if using Light and Dark modes the div background will display as white when in Dark mode. Using the below corrects that and the div background colour then becomes transparent adopting the widget's backgound colour

.block[data-widget-id="X"] .block-footer {
    background: transparent;
Just a slight change to the above, if using Light and Dark modes the div background will display as white when in Dark mode. Using the below corrects that and the div background colour then becomes transparent adopting the widget's backgound colour

.block[data-widget-id="X"] .block-footer {
    background: transparent;

Ah, yes - dark mode. I was thinking of coding it with "unset" originally, but "transparent" will work too.
Hi, thanks for upgrade, but don't work for me :(
I delete all file in src/addons/BP
And upgrade 2.0.1

But i have this "Members online"

I have permission to see addon.

I try to reset and restart cron, but nope :(

i have 2.2.10 patch 1
If there is a next update, you may correct:

Most visitors online was 12 , on 24 Apr 2023

Reported this in 2019 and 2022, still nothing. Which is odd because it is one of OzzModz top 5 most downloaded resources.

Just a couple suggestions:
  1. Why not make the most visitors count layout the same as most members and most guests?
  2. If you don't do #1, then a couple slight changes to the way Most Visitors shows would be nice. Currently there is an extra space after the the most visitors count before the comma. Also it splits on two lines for most people and currently just has the year on the second line, it would be nice if it broke after the visitor count comma and placed the entire date on the second line.
View attachment 208341
Reported this in 2019 and 2022, still nothing. Which is odd because it is one of OzzModz top 5 most downloaded resources
That's possibly an oversight, as your request dates to a couple months before we took over this add-on from Brad. I'll see what's up with it.
XF 2.2.13

I upgraded successfully from 2.0.0. to 2.0.1, but the widget does not appear although I have the settings to yes for unregistered usergroup.

What could be the reason for this?
XF 2.2.13

I upgraded successfully from 2.0.0. to 2.0.1, but the widget does not appear although I have the settings to yes for unregistered usergroup.

What could be the reason for this?
Do you also have it set for the Registered usergroup? ;) (I assume you are logged in, and thus not unregistered....)
If you use the widget, but only allow it for certain user groups, then users from other groups that load a page it's on will cause loads of errors

For example:

ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] Undefined variable $commaOn src\addons\BP\MostEverOnline\Widget\MostOnlineWidget.php:107
Generated by: Unknown account Jul 31, 2023 at 4:17 PM
Hi, thanks for this great add-on. It work well but i can't see where i translate some phrase (see attachment)
Try to translate Feb but did nothing. All "month_x and month_x_short are translate but still get english phrase.

Thanks for any help :)
I don't think that is coming from this addon. There is no hard coded dates/months that I can see.
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