[OzzModz] Force Users To Read Threads

[OzzModz] Force Users To Read Threads 2.0.9 Patch Level 1

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@Cyberkef, i'm trying to reproduce this issue. Please, provide more details if possible.

  1. Any error log entries?
  2. Send please screenshots with your "forced thread" rules
  3. Is there any "thread read records" inserted by this user? /admin.php?frt/threads-read/
1. No error log entries
2. Configuration (2 usergroups selected, some fora selected but not all):


3. All users that are not listed on the "Read forced threads" get the "The administrator want you to read a thread before you create a Thread in this Forum." on ALL forums.

Additional info: Only this one rule is configured, there are no other "Force Read" rules
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