[OzzModz] Breadcrumb Essentials

[OzzModz] Breadcrumb Essentials 2.0.0

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I was under the impression that the share icons were in fact set to be our social media links. That doesn't appear to be the case, so, I just reverted to XF1 style breadcrumbs without icons as it's so much better and easier to navigate.

I'd make 3 suggestions on improving this:
  1. Make the option for the icons to be of our own links or keep the same and as sharing with the option of 'moving them' as it is now.
  2. Select the breadcrumb position for sharing/social icons to be top, bottom or both.
  3. Center the sharing icons when they break away (or a tutorial on how to with CSS) as at a smaller viewport, if you only have 2-3 sharing buttons, it'll break and then align left. It looks somewhat awkward on a phone to have just 1 or 2 buttons right there as opposed to the center.
Other than that, if they're not included in a future update, it works great for me as is.

Thanks a lot!
frm, thanks for taking the time to leave suggestions!

So first regarding your own social links. I did not include something like this as I fully intend to release a separate Social Profiles / Follow Us addon, which will allow you to enter social profiles with full icon styling, tooltips, widgets and more. When it's released, it will be compatible with Breadcrumb Essentials so something like your idea will take place :)

In the meantime, I can definitely include your other improvements in a next patch.

-Robert I.
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So first regarding your own social links. I did not include something like this as I fully intend to release a separate Social Profiles / Follow Us addon, which will allow you to enter social profiles with full icon styling, tooltips, widgets and more. When it's released, it will be compatible with Breadcrumb Essentials so something like your idea will take place :)
I'll gladly pay for this one, as how it stands, there's no real good way of displaying social links across all viewports. I hacked something together using the "moderator" bar for mobile view and put them in the footer on wider views... but it's not even the perfect solution.

I'll probably add the share ones back in once #2 and #3 are implemented on this one (as dropping down and to the left is not so much eye appealing) and try and figure out how to display them even on the forum page (I think I saw some code in the .less template that'd allow me to do that, but it should be an option nonetheless for those who would get annoyed for it disappearing on /forum), whilst removing the 'share this' widget. In my opinion, this addon just seems to blend more and might be utilized more too. I'd really like to just display them in the top breadcrumb and not in the bottom, but some may prefer the bottom, or both.

One thing I noticed on mobile view was that the home icon disappears with the breadcrumbs if on a 2nd level page such as /media/ for XFMG. Not a dealbreaker, but it'd be nice if the home icon was still visible, even though if you go a couple of levels deep the B through Y crumbs disappear (I see a < and the current album on an image, and not the rest like on a PC). It'd be nice to go to the top level (home) and up one level of where they were.

Seems like I'm asking for a lot for something you've graciously given for free :censored:
@frm These posts are a few weeks old, but just checking in that I am working on some of your feedback for the next patch ;-)
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Would it be possible to have the option of excluding forum categories from the breadcrumb if "Create pages for categories" is disabled? :)
This is the best free add-on I have used in a long time. Shout outs to an amazing job from the creator. It may be unmaintained but works perfect and the only issue is an area in options for the add-on that has none but style properties is where it's all done. I'm in the process of making a custom theme for my website and always had trouble setting up the breadcrumb. This helped out a great deal. Thank you for all your help @Nulumia
This resource has been taken over by OzzModz. It will be going through a couple of possible updates.

1) Rebranding of the addon to reflect the new owner.
2) Any bug fixes. Paid addons will take priority.
I have short category and forum names

Is there a way I can get the entire breadcrumb to show on mobile instead of just the last piece?
I checked and with my forum names it should work, if not I can shorten them.

I worked a couple of hours and nothing I try seems to work with this extension enabled.

I installed this add on and now my breadcrumbs are gone, even if add on disabled..... :(

But if I activate the share, the social media links come up........ Not sure but now I have no nav breadcrumbs anymore and man they're *****in!

I installed this add on and now my breadcrumbs are gone, even if add on disabled..... :(

But if I activate the share, the social media links come up........ Not sure but now I have no nav breadcrumbs anymore and man they're *****in!
Ozzy cannot provide support as Nulumia reneged on whatever agreement they had, and has disappeared again and he owns all the add-ons.

Your best option is to just remove the add-on as Nulumia has shown to be untrustworthy with providing support.

I installed this add on and now my breadcrumbs are gone, even if add on disabled..... :(

But if I activate the share, the social media links come up........ Not sure but now I have no nav breadcrumbs anymore and man they're *****in!
Is this true on the default style as well?
Ozzy cannot provide support as Nulumia reneged on whatever agreement they had, and has disappeared again and he owns all the add-ons.

Your best option is to just remove the add-on as Nulumia has shown to be untrustworthy with providing support.
We should delete downloads, but will support all who have installed.
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