Partial fix Out of memory if user is following too many

Why would you need to follow more than 1000 people as an administrator, or normal user for that matter?
As a moderator I follow new users who manage to cause problems in their first few posts - not enough to get banned but enough to make me want to keep tabs on them. There are too many to just remember their usernames and do a search every so often.

This is useful because:
  • I get notifications when they start a new thread and I can check them out.
  • Next time I'm checking a problem post of theirs I can see that I already follow them and that this isn't the first time they've come to my attention.
  • I get alerted when a temporary ban ends and they start creating threads again
I can probably live with the 1000 cap because lots of the accounts I follow end up with permanent bans or eventually abandon the forum when they realise they won't get away with their hijinks. There is no easy way, however, to identify the accounts I follow that have permanent bans or to sort by their last seen date.
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