ooooooo is this new?

Has this been discovered?

Clicking on the
image on the side of any conversation in your inbox toggles the status of the conversation between read and unread. And it does it smoooooooooooooothly! (y)
Has this been discovered?

Clicking on the
image on the side of any conversation in your inbox toggles the status of the conversation between read and unread. And it does it smoooooooooooooothly! (y)

Nice find, that is supper useful thank you !
Just looked at them both and I must admit I quite like the look of ShareThis... Though I suspect that it would be very simple to change AddThis out for ShareThis or even a local share list?

@Kier does the permalink overlay include a templatehook around this section? If not is there any chance one could be added so that this could be replace by a simple plugin?
Exactly, ShareThis looks much better and nicer than AddThis.
Just looked at them both and I must admit I quite like the look of ShareThis... Though I suspect that it would be very simple to change AddThis out for ShareThis or even a local share list?

@Kier does the permalink overlay include a templatehook around this section? If not is there any chance one could be added so that this could be replace by a simple plugin?
Yes it does:

Screen shot 2011-09-11 at 15.59.13.webp
The share feature is nice, but I'm afraid that no one will know about it. If there were an icon, even if the height was the size of the numerical post number, it would generate clicks.
The share feature is nice, but I'm afraid that no one will know about it. If there were an icon, even if the height was the size of the numerical post number, it would generate clicks.

why not just have a simple link named "Share" besides each post, same as we already have the links for "Like" and "Reply" ?

I woud suggest having 2 different pop-ups (split the current pop-up into 2 different pop-ups):
- one for the numbered post #123 permalink.
- one link named "Share" which opens the popup for the "Share Services".

The current pop-up might confuse the average user a bit as he might not understand what a "Permalink" is and the user might also not understand the URL given in the top-box within that popup. The average user might get stucked as he does not understand what to do with that URL in the top-box.

I think the Permalink is merely for more experienced internet-users, whereby "Share" is understandable by the average internet-user.
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