One-click solution to post images

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Sorry if it's the wrong forum.

I'm searching for a simple solution or advice how I can do this myself.

Was asked from the admin of (they changed the engine lately) but actually we have kind of a problem to make usability easy without needing additional space for posted images.

Before we used addon, was a great one click solution, you could add as much pictures as you like without much trouble. So I'm looking for something similar.

It would be nice if user can add pictures or Screenshots with 2-3 clicks like before. We couldn't find any solution like that with xenforo.

It would be at least nice to have an option to add img tag to multiple links, should be easy to make, all it needs is to skip the url and add at beginning and end of each line (like before '\n' for new line) the tags.

It would be even better if there would be a solution like with postimage addon.

Would be thankful for any tips how to solve that or how I can make such an addon myself.
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