Official Notice of ******* about the relationship with Vxf .vn and Copyright issues

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Ok, so the truth is out and he breached their license agreement according to you. Thread is done and kick him off the site. If it is that cut and dry then everything I said above is valid and this thread being open is pointless. Why is this thread still going and what is XenForo going to do to resolve this?
Their silence would indicate to me at least that they are exploring all of their options and sifting through fact and fiction. I have no way of knowing for sure but I would imagine this thread is actually helpful to them while they conduct their own internal investigation. That and it was started by the Briv himself.
Their silence would indicate to me at least that they are exploring all of their options and sifting through fact and fiction. I have no way of knowing for sure but I would imagine this thread is actually helpful to them while they conduct their own internal investigation.

I don't get what snide and sarcastic remarks toward him are doing to help. He clearly is not fluent in English and having to defend himself in English. I can imagine that is even more frustrating. Either way, I'd like to see it resolved without this thread showing up in new posts every 15 minutes with unhelpful comments about someone who has contributed a ton of useful add-ons to the community and is actually trying to communicate to resolve issues.
Ok, so the truth is out and he breached their license agreement according to you. Thread is done and kick him off the site. If it is that cut and dry then everything I said above is valid and this thread being open is pointless. Why is this thread still going and what is XenForo going to do to resolve this?

It's more then one single issue though, it's multiple, if ******* was a legit company they would have their LLC status revoked and I have still yet to find a single site stating ******* LLC is a legitimate company, there's no ******* LLC in the US or UK and I can't find anything in france etc.

Why has he changed my lifetime license to a yearly one? he responded above twice yet failed to respond to me as a client.

He's bought a piracy site and by the looks of things he has had access since around December as that's when the new design was put on VXF (the piracy site).

If he had access this long why has he only announced it yesterday?

If he cared to stop the piracy of XenForo and it's addons/styles he would have taken the board offline instantly but it's still online right this second.

Why would there be a nulled install of XenForo on *******.com?

Why would this site: owned by ******* have a pirated install when he claims they're licensed?

I don't get what snide and sarcastic remarks toward him are doing to help. He clearly is not fluent in English and having to defend himself in English. I can imagine that is even more frustrating. Either way, I'd like to see it resolved without this thread showing up in new posts every 15 minutes with unhelpful comments about someone who has contributed a ton of useful add-ons to the community and is actually trying to communicate to resolve issues.

I can understand your frustration with it coming up every few minutes but until the XenForo team take action it'll keep coming up.

Also, those addon's now have the possibility of being built on stolen code, would you install something that's stolen?

@Jon W posted on TAZ that the uninstaller for ******* was almost identicle to his uninstaller, ******* is trying to profit of this, is it fair for Jon's work to be sold by a third party without compensating him?

This is like the 3rd? 4th? thread about ******* doing dodgy things, it has to stop at some stage.
It's more then one single issue though, it's multiple, if ******* was a legit company they would have their LLC status revoked and I have still yet to find a single site stating ******* LLC is a legitimate company, there's no ******* LLC in the US or UK and I can't find anything in france etc.
"Company" resides in Vietnam.
I think there is just too much going on about ******* the last months. So I think an investigation and some more rules are more than welcome.
And also some transparency from *******. No one knows who he really is.

Exactly, there is too much happening not to ignore this.

Also, ******* appears to be using faked whois information on his domains,*******.co/*******.us

Registrant Contact Information:
Name: Whois Agent
Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Address 1: PO Box 639
City: Kirkland
State: Washington
Zip: 98083
Country: US
Phone: +1.4252740657
Email: *******

Privacy Protection on the WHOIS for domains with the TLD of .US is not permitted.

The .US Registry policy for Registrars states the following:

"No registrar, nor any of its resellers, affiliates, partners and/or contractors shall be permitted to offer anonymous or proxy domain name registration services which prevent the Registry from having and displaying the true and accurate data elements contained in Section 3.3 for any Registered Name."
For full information regarding the requirements for registrants of .us domain names, please visit this link:
EDIT ^ above pages have gone missing trying to find new links.


******* has now removed all linkbacks on the VXF site which linked to the other sites using nulled XenForo.

Nothing to hide right *******?
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It's more then one single issue though, it's multiple, if ******* was a legit company they would have their LLC status revoked and I have still yet to find a single site stating ******* LLC is a legitimate company, there's no ******* LLC in the US or UK and I can't find anything in france etc.

If it was a legitimate company that would be reason for the LLC filing to NOT be revoked. IP violations don't just get a company filing yanked, not paying your taxes is a different story. But as far as they go its probably the classic case of a company with INC in the name and not even actually incorporated. Can be a non issue and just silly like adding "International" to a local business name. Not sure that vietnam would have any laws against it.

Not sure on the US domain issue. If they were filed in the US and had a registered agent there they might still fall short due to not holding any property, meetings, etc in the US.
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I have received a formal apology from ******* for the stealing of code from my add-ons. I have accepted his apology.

I too am keen to see a much more open and honest *******. He is clearly a very talented coder, albeit not the best moral judge of companies to invest in.

I personally would like to see the ability to post paid/external add-ons become a privilege on the XenForo Resources section. Having paid/external add-ons allows people to hide behind secret pay walls/subscriptions etc. and causes massive upset if people don't feel like they are getting what they paid for or get banned/discouraged etc.

This would not stop someone from still selling such an add-on, but it would make it impossible to get free advertising on XenForo, which is a massive privilege and should not be abused.
If ******* was intent on stopping piracy on VXF he would close it but as you can see new pirated addons have been posted in the past hour:******/threads/bac-nao-cho-em-xin-add-ons-thread-ratings.23189/

Not just by anybody, but a moderator of the site.

Or then there's people requesting addons to be posted:******/threads/rip-styles-don-gian-cho-thanh-vien-vxf.14759/page-2

Again from today, ******* what are you going to do? are you going to compensate all the XenForo developers and addon / style makers?

EDIT: links are censored just edit the url in to see.
It looks like a witch hunt ...

You should re-read then.

Looks to me others are wanting answers. Why images were taken, why code was taken, why the involvement with a known piracy site... A lot of the answers given just don't mesh with what everyone else seems to believe, know, or have in their heads.

There are quite a few questions being drummed up now, which likely might not have bubbled out into this thread, had ******* not attempted to explain his actions (which immediately caused more concern).

I get it though, you like his work, him, his company. You are on that side. It's understandable and you'd likely like to see things cleared up just as well as the rest of the XF community. It cannot be cleaned up and corrected without discussion though. That's not necessarily a witch hunt. ******* opened the door.
You should re-read then.

Looks to me others are wanting answers. Why images were taken, why code was taken, why the involvement with a known piracy site... A lot of the answers given just don't mesh with what everyone else seems to believe, know, or have in their heads.

There are quite a few questions being drummed up now, which likely might not have bubbled out into this thread, had ******* not attempted to explain his actions (which immediately caused more concern).

I get it though, you like his work, him, his company. You are on that side. It's understandable and you'd likely like to see things cleared up just as well as the rest of the XF community. It cannot be cleaned up and corrected without discussion though. That's not necessarily a witch hunt. ******* opened the door.
  1. a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.
    • informal
      a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.
Calling this a witch hunt is pretty valid. Various issues have come to light, and the decision as to how to address them is up to XenForo, not the members of this community. Constant badgering, demand for action by XenForo and just increasing drama is doing nothing for the situation. If there's new information to present, sure post that, but if it's just to cause more drama and make this community even more toxic than it has already become what is the point?
More possible ******* piracy?


Image from:*******-stealing-images-split-from-borbole-*******-thread.131288/

Shows the same name and a theme from Audentio aka @Mike Creuzer and valid XenForo url.

That page now shows the Audentio theme has been replaced with VXF's url

Cache of above link:
@W.D I think the progress bar issue is resolved now.

It has, I just used that as the name "Linda Nguyen" was used as an administrator name on *******'s site and also on this site which has one of Audentio's themes being pirated on which in turn links to the piracy site ******* now owns.
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