Off Topic Forums

I place them at the bottom; content should be focused on what your site is about, not random discussions.
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I keep off topic forums at the bottom. Site related forums at the top, and the forums that people joined my site for right after. People should see right away (or nearly) the forums that the theme of the site is based on, IMO.
Mine is at the top. :D

but it's member's only. That's where most people post.

When I had other genre-specific sites, it's at the bottom.

My site is about whatever I feel like making it and since I can't make up my mind, it's on top.
I place forum position mostly by popularity. So Off Topic is near the top on my forum.
I personally favor the staff-only section first followed by site-related things, such as the rules, followed by what the site's about, and then any additional things -- graphics, off topic, etc.
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