XF 1.5 Notices - make them movable?


Well-known member
Hi all

I like the new notices that are floating. Is there a way to make them movable on the screen? I know it's my first instinct when I see it, to try and move it on the screen to where I can read it better.

It would be useful if there a way to make the notices movable by dragging it on the screen.



Not what i meant.

Acp> communication> notices> block> add pic under image> save

It will put it under the board offline message and won’t cover the important things.
Thanks for the help. yes I tried that, from my experience pics are too small and can't be linked and notices are right across screen regardless of message taking up valuable screen real estate (particularly on phones) and can't be auto faded and dismissed . If I missed some of the parameters I'm happy to learn. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Thanks for the help. yes I tried that, from my experience pics are too small and can't be linked and notices are right across screen regardless of message taking up valuable screen real estate (particularly on phones) and can't be auto faded and dismissed . If I missed some of the parameters I'm happy to learn. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Maybe you need to upgrade your forum. You're still on 1.5 upgrade to the latest version which is 2.2.13
You might need to do that first.
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