What I would really like to see in a newsletter is the function to send the X most popular threads from theusers favorite forums. (forums that the user posts in the most and has liked the most posts in)
This way the newsletter delivers interesting content. Many forum newsletter deliver standard content which is not particularly useful to all users.
Especially when your site has a lot of forums and members have different interests.
I like the idea of a newsletter that sends stuff SELECTED based on user interests.
That could select based on a user's Watched list. That shows where their interests lie. (A note in the email could explain how to edit the Watched list)
This would work well with the Watch Forum addon.
However I find a simple way to do newsletters is to have a compulsory Watch Forum addon.
All my users belong to one of 3 top level usergroups.
I set a usergroup to Watch a forum for their group. That gets all the important general stuff for them in that group.
Then I just do a post on one or more of those 3 usergroup forums = newsletter.
But of course that can only do my editorial and any links to board content are manual by me.
It would be great to have a newsletter addon which:
- adds content for the user based on their Watched list
For anyone not visited last month they get their Watched list. -
For recent visitors who have visited last few days perhaps nothing,
Not sure about the middle group maybe admin sets these periods as it would be different on different boards.
PLUS includes an editorial at the top, written by the admin.
This also appears as a post on their main usergroup forum linked to their main usergroup where they get all posts notified anyway. Could be global for admin who just ticks all 3 usergroup forums.
Plus I want a compulsory Watch forum per usergoup at admin level.
This would all go together to make a newsletter. Users would get