Newbie hosting suggestions


New member
Hi Everybody,

I am planning to start a new forum and because this is going to be a brand new experience for me I am not aware at all about the hosting plans. Please can you kindly suggest me something regarding the hosting plans and configurations.

Hi :)

Depending on how big the forum get's, you'll probably want to go for a VPS, which is your own little space that acts like it's own server.

However, for a new forum, shared hosting should do just fine - make sure you find something decent. I believe someone here has their own hosting going, with dedicated servers.

@Liam, thanks for the quick response. Can you suggest me websites, brand names you think I should consider as I mentioned already that I am totally new in this forum stuff so would appreciate help from other forum people to share their experiences.


If your community is just starting out a simple shared hosting provider should be enough. Once your site grows, then you may need to move to a VPS (virtual private server). But in your case, as someone starting out fresh, I would recommend a shared account.

My suggestion for providers are and Both are well respected and well reviewed hosting providers on where you may also seek to find alternatives.
Is hostgator VPS the best to use ?
I am with WiredTree, which I am happy using them for almost two years now. Knownhost is also another well-reviewed company. Both companies have great support team. I learn about these web hosting companies from as mentioned above ;)
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Is hostgator VPS the best to use ?
Sorry @Ken Black, just noticed you specifically stated VPS... and no, they are NOT the best... There are MANY more that are better. If you do not need a managed VPS, then I would whole-heartedly recommend RamNode, specifically the KVM solutions they have. They were my first VPS and their support (when I needed it) was great. Price (up to the 2GB plan) was competitive and they are RAID 10 SSD. I still have one VPS with them (serves my blogs till the account needs to be paid again - at which time I will place them on my own server that I have configured to set up VPS's on).
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