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We have a major update from @Lukas W. And co as well as some performance improvements from @Xon. (For which we are all very grateful for his expertise!!)

Imo it is ready to be moved out of beta pending you all's feedback. We closed nearly 1000 issues.

Pending the go ahead from some people we will publish the update.

Still free and likely to stay that way, just no guarantee of one on one support under a free license.

Is there a plan for a paid option with support?

Right now, I have brand new threads with no views or replies being promoted as "hot" topics. Not really understanding that or anything regarding what makes a thread "hot". For now, I am moving the default page back to threads, and possibly just hiding the hot feature because it seems to make no sense to me or my members.

If it's going to simply be a free, no support product, I'm a bit concerned about the development of it. Forums have become way too boring, and I think this product has a chance to really change things.
Is there a plan for a paid option with support?

Right now, I have brand new threads with no views or replies being promoted as "hot" topics. Not really understanding that or anything regarding what makes a thread "hot". For now, I am moving the default page back to threads, and possibly just hiding the hot feature because it seems to make no sense to me or my members.

If it's going to simply be a free, no support product, I'm a bit concerned about the development of it. Forums have become way too boring, and I think this product has a chance to really change things.
Click Forums in your admin, then "Promotion Rules" under the "[Audentio] Feeds" header. You probably want to adjust some of the criteria for the "Threads auto-promote" rule.
Is there a plan for a paid option with support?

Right now, I have brand new threads with no views or replies being promoted as "hot" topics. Not really understanding that or anything regarding what makes a thread "hot". For now, I am moving the default page back to threads, and possibly just hiding the hot feature because it seems to make no sense to me or my members.

If it's going to simply be a free, no support product, I'm a bit concerned about the development of it. Forums have become way too boring, and I think this product has a chance to really change things.
The Resources plan is what we are offering for full support. And when I say support I mean direct support on anything not just feeds, but consulting and strategy. Yes it's a bit high compared to other products asking here but it's what around 50 high quality products and our full attention on your community. I am confident we will quickly justify the cost.
The Resources plan is what we are offering for full support. And when I say support I mean direct support on anything not just feeds, but consulting and strategy. Yes it's a bit high compared to other products asking here but it's what around 50 high quality products and our full attention on your community. I am confident we will quickly justify the cost.

If I am reading that correctly, it's $1000/year? If I am correct, is that for any forum, regardless of size?
If I am reading that correctly, it's $1000/year? If I am correct, is that for any forum, regardless of size?
Yes. If you wish to talk with us about a discount feel free to reach out and we can see what we can do! Based on the community we are happy to take that into consideration of course.
Documentation seems a bit lacking. I thought I'd try this, but after installing my navigation seems screwed up, e.g. if I click on the main forums tab, I now get my home page.

Latest activity also now just shows my home page.
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Documentation seems a bit lacking. I thought I'd try this, but after installing my navigation seems screwed up, e.g. if I click on the main forums tab, I now get my home page.
Are you running the latest version? Pretty sure I remember @Lukas W. fixing this. It was happening when you had feeds set as the default forum page, but the forums route wasn’t set as the index.

Edit: Just checked, apparently this hadn't been released yet. Have asked @alexj-12 to get it released
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Are you running the latest version? Pretty sure I remember @Lukas W. fixing this. It was happening when you had feeds set as the default forum page, but the forums route wasn’t set as the index.

Edit: Just checked, apparently this hadn't been released yet. Have asked @alexj-12 to get it released
Forums default said "feeds" I changed it back to to forums and now seems to be OK. Index page route is my home page.

But there is now a new navigation item "feeds" which seems to have subnavigation items that are all 404
If I am reading that correctly, it's $1000/year? If I am correct, is that for any forum, regardless of size?
I was very interested in this, but as it is so confusing, it seems my main option is to carry on flundering around or fork out $1000 to get support?

I appreciate it is free and there is no reason to expect support, but it seems a bit steep to ask $1000 for a few questions about what may just be start up issues?
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Forums default said "feeds" I changed it back to to forums and now seems to be OK. Index page route is my home page.

But there is now a new navigation item "feeds" which seems to have subnavigation items that are all 404

Having someone check before we get the release out, but was told that should be fixed in the latest release as well
Isn't working at all. If I move that under whatsnew the whole page won't load due of feeds. I'm not sure if feeds is designed to be under other submenu
You can't move the main Feeds navigation item under What's New, or rename it, just the subnavigation items that are under it. Set the parent navigation of each of those to What's New if you want them to appear under What's New, and then disable Feeds if you don't want to display in navigation.

EDIT: Actually, I guess you can move the whole Feeds tree under What's New, because I just did it, but there's no need to....
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Is there a way to have just the old Post thread button and not the CREATE button? That button would cause confusion for people who want to post a question in a forum that only had discussion type threads.

ie they may have a question that should be in a discussion thread but when clicking question they will not see discussion forums, only those that have question type which may not be relevant if it is a more general question not requiring a solution.
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You can't move the main Feeds navigation item under What's New, or rename it, just the subnavigation items that are under it. Set the parent navigation of each of those to What's New if you want them to appear under What's New, and then disable Feeds if you don't want to display in navigation.

EDIT: Actually, I guess you can move the whole Feeds tree under What's New, because I just did it, but there's no need to....

I don't think Feeds addon is designed for that. Once is installed , it will disable the page, example if I move to whats new, it will disable entire page sadly.
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