XF 2.0 New posts in sidebar not highlighted any more


I use the sidebar widget "new posts" on the forum main page. In XF1 the thread titles in this sidebar were highlighted (like bold) when there was an unread post.
Now with XF2 the latest thread is only at the top position of this sidebar, but the thread title is not highlighted when unread.

Any ideas how I can get this thread title highlighted?

Of course I could set the widget filter option to "unread" but I'd prefer to leave the filter on "latest" and highlight those threads which have unread posts.

Thank you for your help!
I think you may have had a widget from an add-on that did this in XF1 because we've never highlighted thread titles in this sidebar block in XF1.
Mhhh okay, strange - maybe it was an add on which showed the title "bold" in the sidebar - not sure and sadly I can't check it and I don't have a screenshot :)

Okay then - Is there a chance to add this feature?
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