XF 1.3 Need some CSS help


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I've been breaking my head for last 3 hours looking everywhere to see what could cause this issue:


The link with the padding-top issue is:

The one that works properly is:

The CSS is identical into templates. For some reason, I see loading the .messageSimple .comment, .messageSimple .secondaryContent section. I've been working a lot on this site and it really bothers me to see a little inexplicable thing like that happening. Thank you for helping out.
I really don't want to do this, I rather fix it properly. Something is breaking the CSS code to load from the database or something... The CSS is there no? It should damn work! :)
From how it's looking, the CSS is there but it's being ignored (it's struck through) adding important will just force it to use the code. It just means that it's finding the same css in another part of the site more important and pulling that. I don't have the Articles addon, so haven't had a chance so far to dig into the styling for it. It could be something as simple as a line in the Style Properties.
Well, I know that in the beginning I was dealing with CSS replacement issues (xen:property). But I fixed them all... that's why I'm inclined to do believe something was not properly transferred from master to default style. I will fix for now the banners at the top of resource view pages as they really bug me, forums will be closed in 5min! :)
@Azhria Lilu, I think I found the issue, can you please look inside your message_simple.css stock template and paste here it's contents? Thank you.

Edit: Never mind, I'm going to install a new forum on a test server and see what is different.
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No, I did not found the issue. I installed a stock forum and the CSS we talked about it before is identical, I was hoping some lines are missing like you said. The issue I see is clear: css.php is loading the classes into wrong order. Starting with <li class="primaryContent messageSimple articleUpdate", messageSimple is loaded into wrong order.

Bad CSS order on https://www.axivo.com/articles/welcome-to-axivo.1/


Good CSS on https://www.axivo.com/packages/elasticsearch.41/


I'm going to ask this also on development forum, maybe they what causes css.php to load the classes into wrong order. As I mentioned before, the goal is not to modify the CSS which is proper but rather fix the root cause.
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