Native XenForo App in Development.

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Which of the 3 pricing plans offers whitelabeled/branding-free/own branding? Is it only the 25$ plan or all 3 plans or ...?
Congrats on things moving forward. (y)

How will the "public testing" apps be distributed? By "public testing", will you suggest we make the apps available to our users, or are you just looking for us forum administrators to do the testing?

Looking mainly for admin input, to look for any glaring issues or incompatibilities.

Is it possible to use self-serve ads?


Which of the 3 pricing plans offers whitelabeled/branding-free/own branding? Is it only the 25$ plan or all 3 plans or ...?

Do you see an Android option in the near future? When a non-app owner visits via browser will they get a pop down or such stating they should use the app? Thanks and looking forward to buying this asap.
Do you see an Android option in the near future? When
This thread has already announced that the app is available on Android and iOS (not sure about Windows I can't remember). Slavik confirmed iOS will be first to be released followed by android afterwards.
So in the $15 app it's not possible anymore to use Ads? You didn't specify that in your last post.
In the first post it said
The forum specific and branding free apps will contain support for a handful of ad templates as well for in-app advertising. The ultimate aim is to give as much flexibility as possible in the familiar XenForo format.
If not there is very little difference between the $ 10 and $ 15 app.
That was the reason I went for the $15 app.

What if we have our own app store accounts, do you already have the pricing to publish it in our own account?
What do you mean by this bit? I'm assuming there's no cost to publish it...?
I think he means is the pricing different if we opt to publish ourselves instead of via them, or will they charge on top of the monthly fee for the publishing via their app store etc.
Secondly, we are looking to run our first public testing of the app in the week starting April 4th. So are looking for a small group of people who be willing to opt in of all board sizes and give it a go. The main objective of this test is to see how the core features of the app interacts and behaves outside of our testing setup. If you are interested and available in this week, please drop me a message.
as i own the most customized xenforo forum, i want to be in consideration for this
Important note: This App is not an official XenForo product.

(For release 1st Dec)

I am happy to finally make an announcement now that work is well underway on a Native XenForo App for Android and iOS in collaboration with myself and The Orange Room. The aim from the beginning was always quality, we have seen what other apps out there do, or don't, and putting a responsive design into a wrapper doesn't sit well with a lot of people either, so with that, our aim was always to take the time to ensure it was done right, rather than rush out something buggy and problematic.

Another issue was funding, quality App development comes with a price, and whilst a croudfund was considered, it was deemed best to avoid this given the history of poorly managed croudfunds previously.

It will be mainly focused on the end user forum engagement of a stock board. We also aim to include support for the official XenForo addons (though this will be a long way off).

The apps will work directly from App <> Your Server via an API addon, no middleman stuff, your users are your users, not ours. Push will be the only 3rd party part.

Prices are provisionally:
$10 a month for a shared native app with self styling
$15 a month for a forum-specific app with self styling
$25 a month for a forum-specific branding free app
Additional charges may apply for differing publish options.

These prices would be yearly paid for in advance. There would be no free version.

So what is self styling? Well similar to the XenForo color pallet, it would be a set of basic options within the XenForo addon to allow you to color the basic elements of the app to match your forums theme, as well as a logo.

The forum specific and branding free apps will contain support for a handful of ad templates as well for in-app advertising. The ultimate aim is to give as much flexibility as possible in the familiar XenForo format.

Initially we are hoping for a mid-January release for the first iOS release, with Android coming sometime around the end of February/March.

I would like to stress the Shared App is not going to be available with the first releases as we will be focusing on getting a solid stable app released before having to implement a categorization system etc.

With that in mind, at this point we are open to taking reservations for the forum specific and branding free apps. We will have a limited number of spaces of forums who wish to be the first to get hold of and test these apps before general release. Please message me if you wish to reserve an early spot for the app release. (Note, Payments won't be taken until just before the first release).

With that said, enjoy the following!

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slavik i really need this im willing to pay
Just curious how the initial testing is going? I've been away all week so couldn't volunteer to help but would be great to hear how it's been going.
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