Native Mobile Apps

Native Mobile Apps [Paid] 2023.04.22

No permission to buy ($149.00)
Yes. Make users easy search in your app

It's as designed here. We use mention instead of quote.

What is missing? I guess that your profile does not allow posting and you did not have any statuses. That's right because I did not allow users can update status on my site (sorry prevent spam).

Yeah. It's still need a bit improvement.

Thanks. So search is supposed to work because it doesn't on your app. And search is contextual meaning I can search my notification list independently of forum text search?

Profile posts missing meaning I can't view profile posts, nor can I post to a profile. I personally don't care but some might.

QUOTE is a showstopper though. I can't not have post quotes on the app. Let me know if you ever plan to implement it.

XCode help you generate a ipa files. If you have one so you can use other tools to upload it.

As long as I don't need a Mac to upload it to iTunes Connect I'm ok.
Thanks. So search is supposed to work because it doesn't on your app. And search is contextual meaning I can search my notification list independently of forum text search?
Search bar always search threads even they show in notifications, conversations or in user profile.

Profile posts missing meaning I can't view profile posts
Do you try to viewing my profile?

QUOTE is a showstopper though. I can't not have post quotes on the app. Let me know if you ever plan to implement it.
Please make a new thread suggestion on my site to reminder me implement in next time :D
XCode help you generate a ipa files. If you have one so you can use other tools to upload it.
Search bar always search threads even they show in notifications, conversations or in user profile.

Do you try to viewing my profile?

Please make a new thread suggestion on my site to reminder me implement in next time :D

It's very wonky. I can only view the profile of members who have replied to a thread. Clicking on the OP doesn't trigger anything. I was able to view your profile but can't find a place to post on your profile though i can see profile posts.

The search bar is everywhere, it's too much and confusing. Most users will assume the search is local to the page not the forum.

I'm not going to make suggestions on products I don't own :) feel free to keep track of this yourself or not. I'm spending considerable time testing your apps. Its a small price to pay to track your own issues 😉

Share button on profile doesn't do anything when clicked.

There's a 1 second delay when I hit the bookmark button before it registers. Sometimes it doesn't register.

You need to support reactions.
It's very wonky. I can only view the profile of members who have replied to a thread. Clicking on the OP doesn't trigger anything. I was able to view your profile but can't find a place to post on your profile though i can see profile posts.

The search bar is everywhere, it's too much and confusing. Most users will assume the search is local to the page not the forum.

I'm not going to make suggestions on products I don't own :) feel free to keep track of this yourself or not.

Share button on profile doesn't do anything when clicked.

There's a 1 second delay when I hit the bookmark button before it registers. Sometimes it doesn't register.

You need to support reactions.
Reactions are supported a long time. Just press and hold it.

About bookmark delay you will wait a sec to receive a response from server. If my server are strong it is instance.
Reactions are supported a long time. Just press and hold it.

About bookmark delay you will wait a sec to receive a response from server. If my server are strong it is instance.

Ah yes that's good at least re reactions. I will wait for some additional clean up and improvements. It's close to being usable but not there yet for me. Styling is going to be a huge issue. At the very least you need a splash screen and some basic colour styling. Also there's no logo container that I can see anywhere.
truonglv updated Native mobile apps (iOS and Android) with a new update entry:


Notable changes:
  • [x] Support google analytics
  • [x] Redesign login screen
  • [x] Redesign register screen
  • [x] Bug: Fixed share profile posts does not show anything
  • [x] Changed Share content from raw to plain text
  • [x] Bug: Fixed render chat message layout issues
  • [x] Show reacted in content (Currently just reaction icon)
  • [x] Show shortcut to quick access conversations in Home
  • [x] Bug: Fixed Click on notification user should go app internal
  • [x] Fixed notification...

Read the rest of this update entry...

App UI getting better.

What push notification types do you support today? I noticed that Likes are not pushed on Android on your XenHub app (latest one). Curious to get a list of what's actually pushed as I was hoping it would be all XF notifications.

Is that profile image cover configurable by the user (the new one that you put in with this release)?

Also any ETA or plans to add Quote msg support? :) You know I'll keep bugging you.
What push notification types do you support today? I noticed that Likes are not pushed on Android on your XenHub app (latest one). Curious to get a list of what's actually pushed as I was hoping it would be all XF notifications.
My app (android) was not setup push notifications yet :D

Is that profile image cover configurable by the user (the new one that you put in with this release)?
Yes. If you have installed this add-on so users can upload it's well.

Also any ETA or plans to add Quote msg support? :) You know I'll keep bugging you.
As far as I understand it, the onesignal service is mandatory for this App to work. I try now to calculate the total costs when using this app.

Assuming I would like to offer it for Android and Apple at the same time:

A. Onetime costs for the first year

This App 99$ (for each domain)
OneSignal Services ??$ (for each domain?)
Android developer account 25$ (all domains)
Apple developer account 99$ (all domains)

= 223$+ the first year

B. On a yearly basis/renewal

App renewal each year 99$ (for each domain)
Renewal of Apple developer account 99$ (all domains)
OneSignal Services ??$

= 198$+ every year for each domain?

Are these assumptions correct (all domains/each domain)? I would use it for several of my forums so I ned to know that for sure.

I have problems in understanding the OneSignal service pricing

Is this per domain? So if I want to have it GDPR compliant, I need to pay each month 99$ per domain?
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