My License Is About To Expire Now

Ariel Schnee

Active member
My license is about to expire now.

I am using Xen 1. I hate Xen 2, and will never use it. What I want to know is simple.

Do I need to renew my license to keep downloading add-ons, styles, and bbcodes? I've also uploaded a few resources. Do I need to renew my license to upload more? Can I download those without a renewed license? Can I upload those things without a renewed license.

I ask because I am poor as dirt. And need that $ 50 for other things. Like food, drink, etc..

Let me know.
And probably Internet Explorer as your browser, which is most likely your problem. I don't think XF2 is coded correctly for IE or XP.

I use Firefox ESR 52.1.2 (32-bit).

No, that just doesn't make any sense and talking about "soul" is ridiculous. You still haven't actually explained how it looks better. Just give me an idea, perhaps a couple of screenshots that show the difference best. Seriously, I'm just curious why you have such a strong opinion about this.

And as I've pointed out, it goes much deeper than the out of the box look. You need to address the other points I've made for your opinion to have any credibility, especially when it comes to security.

Shakes head sadly You do not understand. I feel sorry for you.

For some of us things like coding, upgrades, and etc. mean nothing. Xen 1 is alive with radiant beauty. Xen 2 is a dead corpse that is unpleasant to look upon. Coding. Upgrades. Security. These things matter not to me. How things look. How that look makes you feel. How it speaks to you deep inside... This is a thing that actually matters.

You do not understand it's true beauty.

Wow there sure are a lot of people around here who lack souls.

They'd fit in fine on Earth Bet. An Earth full of only soulless people. Or, so said one of Wildbow's WoGs.

It literally seems frozen in the past.
Still use the icons of the nokia 8310
It doesn't even convert to the beautiful xenforo editor.

What's a "nokia 8310" anyway?

"^_^" is actually an anime smiley face.

You're not a "real" anime fan unless you use an anime smiley face.
Shakes head sadly You do not understand. I feel sorry for you.

For some of us things like coding, upgrades, and etc. mean nothing. Xen 1 is alive with radiant beauty. Xen 2 is a dead corpse that is unpleasant to look upon. Coding. Upgrades. Security. These things matter not to me. How things look. How that look makes you feel. How it speaks to you deep inside... This is a thing that actually matters.

You do not understand it's true beauty.
You're smoking something. And I want it. Now.

Could you post a couple of screenshots to show us what you think is so special about it? I'm curious, it must really be something out of this world. Or maybe you're just trolling.
Thanks @Brogan I don't think I was even gonna those screenshots from the OP. They look very similar there, but there must be so many hundreds of subtle differences between XF1 and XF2 when one looks closer.

I've actually got it on the backburner to run version 1.0.0 on an offline test server just to see what it was like. 🙂 I'll bet it's only compatible with older versions of PHP and MySQL?

and if after having smoked it you prefer XF1? Don't take this risk!
That's ok, there's a rehab facility nearby. 😂
Or you can look here at my friend's Liananna's forum that is up. Check out all the styles for it at the "Style Chooser" that's at the bottom. I actually created the "Ocean of Love" style myself.
Thanks I'll take a look.

I still wanna run my own one at some point though, just to get a feel for what the very first version was like, ACP etc. 🙂
Then you will have to face soon with TLS problems. Windows XP doesn’t support new cryptography methods, and browsers doesn’t receive updates for XP. Good luck to survive in this “cruel world”.

P.S.: Windows XP is great OS, but she needs to rest, unfortunately.

Well, I don't really have a choice. I literally have no other choices here. I’m stuck in an old folks home, and this is the only computer I’ve got. It’s not in good shape. Then again, neither am I. Half the capacitors on the MB are blown now. It takes about an hour to start. It could cut off on me at any moment. And since I have no money, and no one, when it dies I won’t have a computer anymore either.:(
It's a strange attitude. Being in an absolute minority yet emphatically believing your position is right.

Made me think of The Simpsons.
The Simpsons GIF
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