Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

Even though they are called conversations, members have expectations of privacy. Tell them upfront that is not the case.
Why though? It'd be one thing if they were called Private Conversations but they're not.
Besides, the messages are still in the database, an addon would just make it easier to see.
I may be mistaken, but XF is one of the only forums that calls them Conversations. For years other forums have called them Private Conversations or something very similar. Most forum participants belong to multiple forums. I believe that is where expectations of privacy have come from. I'll bet if you asked the average forum participant, they would have no idea that their conversations with another participant when using the conversation feature could or might be monitored.

If used for legitimate reasons like member abuse, that could be acceptable, but because of the expectation of privacy that should be stated upfront. Let the members know there may be circumstances when monitoring conversations may be needed and give examples. I don't think most members would have a problem with that. Legitimate users of such an addon would most likely be upfront with their members and disclose this. Abusers would not. It's all about member expectations and owner disclosure.
If used for legitimate reasons like member abuse, that could be acceptable, but because of the expectation of privacy that should be stated upfront.

My privacy policy:

Personal Conversations (PCs)
Please note that while personal conversations are not visible publically or to other members of the forum (except to those people in the conversation) it is possible for forum and/or server administrators to access conversations which they would only do under exceptional circumstances (see below).
For this reason we do not actually call them “Private” – although they are just as private as on any other forum software or social network.
Please note that this isn’t just us, the ability for admin to view personal messages is common to any similar forum software. Our policy is not to read personal conversations or allow any third party access unless exceptional circumstances require it, however you are advised to be aware that nothing you say in personal conversations on this, or other forums, is truly private. If you want to discuss completely private matters with other members, then you are advised to do so via email, telephone or other forms of communication.

Exceptional Circumstances
Include but are not limited to:
  • Requests from law enforcement agencies with the appropriate warrants.
  • Any action needed to be taken by admin to ensure the legality and security of the forum, for example if there are good grounds to suspect fraudulent or illegal activity.
If you want to discuss completely private matters with other members, then you are advised to do so via email, telephone or other forms of communication.
90% of internet users use free email service which is analyzed by AI or in some cases even humans. I dont think its correct to advise that email or any form of unencrypted communication is private.
90% of internet users use free email service which is free because its analyzed by AI or in some cases even humans. I dont think its correct to advise that email or any form of unencrypted communication is private.

Good point. I may amend that to encrypted email via a provider you trust. Or I might just say "If you don't agree with this part of the privacy policy, please consider using alternative forms of communication between yourself and other members, such as encrypted email, postal service or telephone. Also bear in mind we are not advising that any of these are any more private"
I would need a tool to check conversations also. For the simple reason that some users abuse PM's/conversations for spam.
Would be crazy not to be able to act on spammers just because they use conversations...
My users know that Conversations aren't private from me IF needed...they do know I can go into the database to read if the law required me to do so.

But like me, they expect their conversations to be among themselves. Yes, I edited my Terms and Rules but left the ones XF puts in there at the bottom to cover myself.

I have a forum where we have a 2 individuals help others fight insurance companies. Initial contact is made on the forum, further contact is switched to conversations and from there, it goes to email, then phone calls. Since I already know the email of both members helping, AND I encourage people needing their help to get their help, why should I read the conversations.

My users are quick to report spammers and even screen shot if needed.
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