Moderator Checkpoint System [Deleted]

@Chris , don´t think I´ld give up on that one ;) I´ll stress your nervs until you say it´s coming and has a release date. For that reason I´ll hook up with all others in this thread and we´ll rotate our stressing skills on a weekly basis :D #xf2version #shutupandtakemymoney
@Stuart Wright , @Chris D ,
14 days, missed my own intervall, heck. Just wanted to make sure to poke you friendly in the eye to remember you, that we are still here ;)

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@Chris D ,
I`m aware that with the release of XF2 and the workload-aftermath the release of the AVMC isn´t the #1 on your list - but could you provide us with a best guess, when a beta could be available? Of course I´ld offer my site for testing, too. I just - literally - don´t dare to launch the site to the public without the moderator checkpoint available, since the focus of that forums is one, where participants easily get emotional involved and discussions out of hand (seperations, divorces & the repercussions for the kids). That´s the main reason why we`ld need your tool that urgent, especially for our (new) moderators which even are fairly new to XenForo. I know, giving out dates is something every developer hates - but could you tell this/next month/quarter/year, so we at least can plan for ourselfes?
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You can click this link for instructions on how to claim your license over at the M2N site and download the Moderator Checkpoint System for Xenforo 2.
For business reasons, we are closing our store of Xenforo addons.
We will support them while active licenses exist, be we are not selling any new licenses or renewals.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
My suite of resources has now been restored after some consideration on how to handle their management while they were temporarily unavailable.
Reason for removal in November - I have no time to support them and do not want to sell licenses to competing or unethical forums .
Reason for restoration after having had some time to consider a better course of action - I want to support the Xenforo community.
For clarification, while I do not have the time to give support for installations and bug reports for this addon (because there are no known bugs and it's working perfectly on my forum AVForums), I will be updating it with maintenance releases (as and when they are needed) which current license holders will be able to download. So no personal support, but yes, maintenance releases.
Also I am vetting who I sell licenses to, so if you wish to purchase a license, please click the purchase link and then send me a message as per the instructions in the product description. Thank you :)
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