XF 2.3 "Mod" user for just removing spam


Active member

I'd like to setup a few users (not "moderators"), who can ban/remove spammers. Is this possible without giving them too much power? I know when you click on a spammer's profile/name, it says SPAM. Clicking that allows you to clean up the mess and ban them. Is it possible to only give this one permission to a user, without permission to ban/delete anyone (only a spammer)?

Thank you.
To elaborate on this, only give mod powers to someone whom you have a lot of trust in, not just "some trust" as it were, since the mod account is very powerful and can completely ruin a user. Also, don't grant them hard delete powers for threads or posts, so anything they do can be reversed should a mistake be made or impropriety found.

Finally, don't hesitate to demote or ban them if they start abusing their powers and don't get in to line after a warning.
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